Chapter 27

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I was supposed to put this in my last update but I kinda forgot. So on the side, or above this chapter(If you are on the app) is an awesome cover made by @TheJediJujube.

Tris's POV (This chapter starts the day after when the last chapter ended)

   "Go the other way I am trying to walk here."

    "Oww what in pickle's name, did you just hit me?"

     "That was the bag, maybe you should get out of my way though."

       "Oh my shizzle, has anyone seen my shoe bag!?"

      "It's right here Christina."

       "Uriah! Get your fat butt out of the way!"

      "My butt will do whatever it pleases. Plus I would rather have a fatt butt then a flat one like you have."

      "My butt is not flat!!! It's beautiful and it's name is Billy."

       "You name your butt?"

   "What? And you don't? Don't lie to me I always hear you say something about Spiderman."

    "Yeah but that's not what I named my butt. Who names a butt anyway?"

       "I do! A beautiful butt like mine deserves a name. Now don'e be rude to Billy."

    Now. You may be wondering, what the shizzle is going on? Well today is the day that we are all moving in with the guys, all but Lynn who is at her own apartment right now. There are bags covering every inch of this enormous house, mostly from Christina, and everyone is getting in everyone's way. It's pretty chaotic right now and just for Tobias and I to go up to our room takes fifteen minutes at least just from trying to get past these phsycos and their luggages.

     "And that's the last of it." I say with a huff as Tobias and I set the last of my bags in his- our room. He sighs in relief and flops down onto the bed.

    "Yeah but now we have to put Mason's stuff in his room." I say. 

    He props his body up on his elbow and gives me an exasperated look,"Do we have to??"

    I chuckle and motion for him to stand up,"Yes. Now let's just get this over with." He groans but stands up and we walk back downstairs where the bags our. I must say this whole 'moving' fiasco really helps with taking Tobias's mind off of his sister's death. I mean obviously he is still sad and heartbroken he still tends to crack a few jokes here and there, but I mean come on give him a breal his sister died two days ago.

   "Really?" Tobias says while looking around.

     "What?" I ask.

     "I told Mason to stay right here so we can show him his room, and now he is gone." He answers. Apparently he had a room specialy done for Mason not to long ago. Mason or I have yet to see the room but I have been wanting to see it for a while know.

     "There he is." I say while pointing to Mason who is currently putting, wait what is that? Is that a fish? Well... He is currently putting a rotten fish that he must have found in the fridge inside someone's shoe. Don't know why, but he is. What a strange child I have. Tobias starts cracking up then takes Mason into his arms.

    "Do you know who's shoes they are?" I ask confused on why he is laughing.

    He nods while laughing,"Yeah and those are Zeke's favorite new shoes." 

   Right on cue Zeke comes thumping down the stairs,"Hey has anyone seen my shoes anywhere- George!!!" He exclaims with a gasp and runs over to his fishy shoes that are on the floor.

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