Chapter 2

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Disclaimer- Once again I do not own Divergent that credit goes to Ms. Veronica Roth I just made this fanfic.

One more thing! Please read my A/N down below for my new Divergent Fanfiction ideas for my new story!

Tobias's POV

"Yes Justin for the thousandth I am safely landed." I say while rolling my eyes.

"Okay, okay. Just promise me to catch up with Hannah and I soon." Justin replies through the phone.

"I promise Justin. I have to go see you soon."

"Ok by Tobias." He says then hangs up. I sigh in relief and throw my phone in the passanger seat. Man my brother is so protective of me. I pull into the parking lot of the diner I have misssed. I have been on tour for around six months now and I am finally home. My flight was early so I get to see the gang.

I see a blonde girl putting a child in her car. I can't help but think about how much she looks like Tris, even though I only see the back of her. She gets into the driver seat and speeds away. That is the same car that Tris has. Although it's obviously not her. Tris left me two and a half years ago, because I am incapable of love. That is why I swore to myself that I will never fall in love ever again.

You know that if Tris came back to you, you would be more than happy to take her back.

What the heck? What is that?

I am your conscious dipwad. Never heard of me?

Wow my conscious is mean.

Hey I'm not mean, I'm just honest.

Bully!!!! We got a bully over here.

Are you mental?

Wait am I?

Why are you asking me? You are the one that is fighting with theirself.

Maybe you should call 911.

Or maybe you should stop talking to yourself and you talk to your friends. Yeah? Does that sound good to you?

Fine I don't want to talk to a bully anyway.

Man your stupid.... Just go!

I shake my head to get all of the thoughts away. I am not having a fight with myself. I put on my black sunglasses and pull on my black hoodie so that no one will recognize me. I push through the doors and take in the familiar sight of the diner. With the black booths and metal tables spread around, and the kitchen with the sounds of sizzling food. I smile as I see my friends at the usual table in the corner and walk over to them.

"You guys are the worst at kepping secrets. You better not tell Four." Christina says quietly just as I get there which apparentlyno one notices I'm here yet.

"Not tell me what?" I ask. They all look up at me with alarmed eyes.

"Uh- well, I-uh-" Uriah stutters.

I rol my eyes and sit in my usual spot at the booth. Next to Zeke, on the end.

"Don't tell me I'd rather not know what you broke." I say and they all sigh in relief then their eyes turn to excitement.

"We missed you buddy!" Zeke exclaims and puts his arm around me.

"How was tour?" Lynn asks

I grin,"Great, but I sure am glad to be home."

"Any crazy fans?" Shuana asks

"Any hot girls?" Will adds

"Any dancing baby ducks with party hats?" Uriah asks. We all shut up and stare at him.

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