Chapter 25

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Thank you all for your suggestions and support on my last chapter! You guys really gave me some good ideas on how to be more connected with all of you. That will be in the A/N at the end of this chapter, so please read that. Thank you! :D I know present you with chapter 25:

Tris's POV

   "I thought you had him." Zeke tells me.

    "Me? I thought you were the one that had him." I shoot back.

    "What? Why me?" He asks.

    "Well he is your best friend." I answer.

    "Yeah, and he's your fiancé you should be responable for him."

     I shake my head,"He was with you last I know that."

    Zeke thinks for a second,"Actually, yeah he was, but I guess I kind of lost him."

     I glare at him,"How can you be that irresponsible!? You should have been watching him!"

   "Guys stop you two sound so ridiculous," Lynn says cutting in,"First of all he is a human, not a dog. Second, he is twenty years old. He doesn't need people watching his every move. Maybe he just went to use the restroom or get some air."

  "You're right." Zeke and I mumble.

   "Ok. Does anyone know where he would have gone?" Shauna asks. Everyone shakes their head then Uriah raises his hand.

   "Uriah." Shauna says.

    "I'm not sure if this will help or not, but about an hour ago I saw someone with a mask on come up to him. Then they knocked him out when he wasn't looking and pulled him away." He says like a child. All of our eyes widen and we stare at Uriah who is just bouncing on his feet and looking around idly. He looks back at us and his eyes widen.

  "What?" He asks,"Why is everyone looking at me?"

   "You idiot!" Christina exclaims while hitting the back of his head,"You flipping saw Four get kidnapped and didn't do anything about it!"

   Uriah makes a face,"I never said he was kidnapped."

  "Uriah," Marlene facepalms,"You saw him get knocked out and dragged away by a masked stranger against his own will. In what world would that not be considered kidnapping?"

   Uriah thinks for a second then his eyes widen and he gasps,"Oh my fickle pickles! Four was kidnapped!" That statement hits hard.

   I start to breath heavily and run my hands through my hair,"Guys what are we going to do? Where are we going to start? I mean everyone who would do that is tied up? Where would he be? Is he-"

   "Tris, calm down." Will says.

    "No. I can't calm down. I can't believe this is happening again. Last time this happened he was literally dead for a couple of minutes!" I shout.

    "Tris the only way we can find him is if you calm down." Lynn says calmly.

      "I can't lose him." I whisper.

      "And you won't. Just think, who would want to do that? Someone who isn't one of the five we took." Lynn says.

     I think for a second then it pops to my mind,"Marcus."

     "Well what are we waiting for!? Lets go save my best friend!" Zeke exclaims.

     "First we need to fin Marcus and see if we can get answers about Four out of him." Shauna says.

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