Chapter 8

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Tris's POV

   "Awwww look at the little ones." 

    "They are adorable!" 

     "Our ship is setting sail again!" I groan still deep in sleep and deepen the cuddle I have on this insanly warm pillow.

    "I told you they would get back together!"

   "My heart is melting from cuteness over load."

    "Can we keep them?"

     "Uriah they aren't pets."

     "Look at our little boy! Seems like only yesterday he was running around in diapers."

    "Really Zeke? You two are hopeless."



    "That's their ship name! Four and Tris together. Fourtris!" Wait what? My eyes snap open and I see the entire group around me on the sofa. I look next to me and see that the pillow was not actually a pillow, but Tobias. He starts to get up to and looks around at everyone then at me. We both look at each other confused then back at the group.

  "What is going on?" Tobias asks.

   "Oh nothing! Just watching our OTP set sail." Christina squeals. We look at her and Zeke hands us his phone while smirking. I take it and see a picture of me cuddled up into Tobias's side and he has his arms around my waist.

   "I knew you two would get back together!" Marlene squeals. 

    "Wait what? No I- we- aren't-" I stutter and next thing I know fall off of the couch and onto the floor. I shake my head and stand up.

  "Ha yeah funny. We aren't dating." I protest and Tobias agrees.

  Shauna shrugs,"It's really hard to believe you when you are wearing his clothes." My eyes widen and I look down completly forgetting that he did give me his clothes to wear.

  "I wouldn't be wearing them if it wasn't for you guys who from what I remember pushed me into the pool." I state.

   They all shrug unconvinced,"Ok well I'm hungry." Will says while walking into the kitchen with all of us following him.

  "Let's have muffins!" Marlene exclaims while running into the kitchen.

   "Marlene." We all groan.

    "Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee!" She begs while jumping up and down like a little kid.

  "You better shut up before we make Uriah shoot a muffin off of your head." Shauna threatens.

   She just shrugs,"Nothing that hasn't happened before. Besides I trust him not to miss." She smiles at Uriah and he returns it while giving her a small kiss. She then turns back to us and begs for muffins.

  "Fine Mar we can have muffins!" Tobias gives in,"But you have to make them."

  She pouts but drags Uriah along to help her. The rest of us go sit at the table. Shauna in Zeke's lap, Christina in Will's, and Tobias and I just sit next to each other. After a couple of minutes Tobias jumps up.

  "Dauntless cake." Christina, Shauna, and I roll our eyes.

    "What?" I ask.

    "Dauntless- cake." he says slowly 'breaking' it down for me like I'm an idiot.

   "I obviously know what it is dumbo. Why did you just randomly sat it though?" I ask.

  "We have Dauntless cake." He says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

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