Chapter 14

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Tris's POV

  I sit there literally counting how many imperfections are on the walls. I have been sitting here for hours and the only visiters I have had was Justin and Lynn. I still can't that out of my head. How could they betray us like that? I can't help but worry about the rest of the group. I hope they are ok. Finally someone comes into my cell. About time! I was about to die of boredom!

  "Hello Tris." You know what can I go back to dying of boredom? I really don't want to see her face.

  "Hello Lauren." I spit out.

  "You don't know how long I have waited to see you like this. Tied up to a chair, hopeless." She taunts.

  "What are you doing here?" I ask.

   "I got picked to be your guard." She then looks at me up and down in amusement,"But looks like you don't even need one. Most people that get left alone for hours would have been able to find a way to escape, but must be because you are to weak."

   I shake my head,"Is that all you got? I mean you may have the upper hand right now, but just remember all of the times through high school when I won over you. Sports, grades, popularity-"

  She shot me a death glare cutting me off,"You were not more popular than me! I was the most popular girl in school!"

  I smirk,"Maybe so, but who won prom queen senior year? Most importantly who is the one that won Four's heart? Because sweetheart last time I checked... It wasn't you." Her death glare just got a thousand times deathier. It may not be a word, but it makes it seem more intense. She runs towrds me and slaps my face. I probably have a red mark, but that's all. Before she can do anything else she falls to the floor. Standing behind her was... Ms. Wu? She quickly run over to me cutting off the ropes. When everything is off she pushes me off the chair gently and pulls out her gun.

   "Quick we don't have must time." She says and leads me through the white halls.

  "Wait. What about my friends?" I ask worried.

    She stops and looks at me sadly,"I'm sorry-"

    "What happened?" I ask worried.

      "They didn't make it. You are the only one who made it out alive." I stare at her in shock. Tears are about to pour from my eyes, but she starts laughing.

   "Don't worry I'm just kidding! we have other people getting them. They should be in the van now. They are fine." I nod slowly processing what just happened and let her lead me down the halls.

  "Ms. Wu-"

   "Please, call me Tori. We aren't in school anymore." She says while smiling warmly at me.

   I nod,"Well Tori how did you know we were here?"

   She shakes her head,"Not now. We will explain later. First we must get out of here." We are soon greeted by fresh air and sunlight. Tori hastily pulls the van door open and pushes me in it and shuts it. I look around taking in the sights of the van. It's pretty big with seats on the walls of the vehicle with all of my beloved friends sitting on both sides. My eyes instantly divert to a figure that they have laid on some kind of stretcher on the floor. Tobias! I gasp and run over to him realizing that he is alive, but unconcious.

  "What happened to him? Why is he beathen up the worst?" I ask realizing that everyone has cuts on them, but nothing serious.

  "Well Four here needs to learn how to keep his mouth shut." The owner of the voice hops in and shuts the van door and the vechicle instantly drives off. He steps to where the light hits his face and I immediately recognize him.

Life Must Go On: Divergent High sequelWhere stories live. Discover now