Chapter 16

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Tobias's POV

    I wake up to screaming. My friends' screaming. I jump up in a hurry and instantly fall to the floor completly forgetting that Tris and I got stuck on the couch. I groan and rub my head looking up to see Tris looking just as confused as I am. I look around and finally spot the group. They are standing on the bed huddled in the corner screaming at something on the floor.

   "What is going on?" Tris asks annoyed.

    "Bug!!!" They all shriek at the same time.

     I put my face in my hands and sigh then look back up at them,"Where is it?" They all point to the corner oppostie of them. I roll my eyes and walk over to where they were pointing. In the corner I see the tinnest spider I have ever seen. I look over at them like they are crazy and hold up the spider.

   "This is what you are so afraid of?" I ask.

    "Are you even holding anything?" Tris asks while squinting her eyes. I nod and make my way over to her holding out the tiny bug.

   "This is what they were freaking out about." I say. She stares at it for a second then erupts into a fit of laughter and I instantly join in while the group stands as far away as possible. Mason walks over to me and holds out his small hand.

  "I see." He says. I lower the bug into his hand and he stares at it. He looks over at the group who is still huddled in the corner. He gets an evil grin on his face and runs over to them then throws the spider right at them. They all start screaming and run around the apartment like wild animals. Tris, Mason, and I are sitting there dying of laughter and just watch them run around screaming.

   I give Mason a high five,"You have learned well little buddy." He grins in satisfactory and turns his attention back to the scene. I roll my eyes at them and find the bug. I open the door and let it out in the hallway of the compound. I would've let it out the window, but there apparently are none.

  "It's gone." I say and they still run around,"It's gone." Still no one hears me. "HEY!!" I shout as loud as I can and I finally get their attention,"It's gone. I let it go." They sigh in relief and fall to the floor brething heavily.

  "Pansycakes." Mason mutters. For a kid who is almost three he can speak pretty well and he sure is braver than everyone else.

   Uriah gasps,"He just used my word against me!"

    "It's true though." Tris states and I nod along with her.

     "That was a huge spider." Shauna defends.

     I smirk,"Yeah if you were the tooth fairy."

     "How do you know the tooth fairy is small?" Zeke asks while crossing his arms.

    "Oh you didn't know? I know her I actually have her on speed dial." I joke.

     He stares at me with wide eyes,"No way! Dude That is awesome, I need her number!"

   I roll my eyes and facepalm,"It was a joke you idiot. Well at that note let's get ready to go to breakfast."

   "Last one there is a rotten Dauntless cake!" Uriah shouts.

    "Uriah!" Zeke and I gasp.

    "What?" He asks confused.

     "Don't use that language!" We both exclaim.

      His eyes widen in realization,"Oh right. Last one there is a rotten Amity bread!" With that we all get dressed as fast as possible and race down to the cafeteria. The last one there is Will.

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