Chapter FOUR!

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Shout out time! Everyone go read watt_geek's story. Thank you! Now for the story..

Tris's POV

  "Christina. I need you to bring the group over to my house." I say through the phone.

 "Tris. Is everything alright?" She asks worried.

  "No. Just come over." I reply

   "Ok we will be there in 10 minutes." With that I hang up. I lean back on the couch and look at Mason. He is sitting on the floor staring intently at the TV while his Spiderman cartoons are playing. Which he has a little addiction to. The doorbell rings within 10 minutes. Just on time. I open the door and the group appears.

  "What's the matter Tris?" Shauna asks worried. I motion them into the living room and they all get situated. We sit there not talking for a minute. Lynn then breaks the silence.

  "What's up Tris?"

   I narrow my eyes at the guys accusingly,"You three told Four about Mason." All of the girls gasp and glare at them. Will and Uriah hold their hands up in defense.

  "Uriah and I didn't say anything. It was all Zeke who spilled the beans." I turn my death glare over to Zeke. He shrinks back.

  "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! Four brought up the fact that he knew Mason was your son so I just assumed he knew that he was the father." He defends.

  "You idiot!" I exclaim.

  "What is going to happen when he comfronts you about this?" Marlene asks.

  "He already did." I reply.

  Christina gasps,"No way! What did he say? Is he going to help you with Mason? Are you two going to get back together? Are-" 

  "Christina! Shut up. He already did, and let's just say that he wan't to happy about it."

  "Details Tris." Shauna pushes.

   "Well to sum it up. He blammed everything on me. He was really angry that I just ran off with Mason without even telling him that he has a child." I say quietly.

  "What a jerk." Lynn spits out.

  "Yeah. I mean you were scared you didn't know what to do. Let's face it he is really unpredictable at times so you didn't know how he would react." Marlene says.

  "You were also doing the right thing. I mean you took him out of a sticky situation that would change the rest of his life." Christina adds.

  "Woah woah woah." Uriah butts in,"You seriously can't be going against Four now."

  "I mean technically it is all his fault." Shauna says.

  Will shakes his head in disagreement,"It is equally both of their faults. The only differnce is that Four didn't know what so ever that he had a child of his own. You left without even telling him about it. Heck you left without even telling him that you were leaving." I look down.

  "Why are you guys defending him? Tris is the one that had to go through worse." Christina states.

  "Someone has to be on his side." Zeke replies,"Yeah Tris had to go throught the trouble of having to take care of a baby, and don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that it is easy, but Four went through difficulties as well. He was a mess when you left. He blammed everything on himself. He thought he was incapable of love. He tried to force us to stay away from him because he didn't want to hurt us like he thought he hurt you. Don't be blamming all of these on Four." 

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