Chapter 34

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Tobias's POV

"And that's why I'm now the owner of thirty baby monkeys." Steve finishes his story that took literally the entire plane ride.

We've been in the air for who knows how long but all I know is that this has been one heck of a long ride. One of the reasons is obviously because we are in a big death trap hundreds of feet off the ground. I've been sitting up in the front next to Steve whie my idiot 'friends' who I'm still not talking to are sitting in the back. Don't get me wrong, Steve is a really nice guy and I can't thank him enough for doing this, but I can't take this anymore.

"Well looks like we've finally arrived in Chicago." He announces right on cue. My head pops up as I look out the window that I have been refusing to look out of the entire ride, but instantly get dissy. No matter how many times I have to fly in a plane for my job, I will never get used to the heights.

"Thank you so much Steve. I can't thank you enough, is there any way I can repay you?" I ask.

"Well there is one thing. I'm kind of having my 45th birthday coming up in a couple of months and it would be a dream if you can come and perform at my party." He says eagerly looking over at me for a second then back at the sky to steer.

"You know what I'll do it." I say although I know I'm going to regret it later. He looks over at me with wide eyes.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!!" He practically squeals and tries to give me a hug but accidentaly hits the wheel which makes us take a sharp turn.

"The wheel!" I say exclaim, my fear of hights taking over. He quickly sits back down and steers us back on route.

"Sorry," He says sheepishly," There's one thing though and I'm not to sure you're going to like it. You know with your fear of heights and all."

I look over at him confused,"How do you know about that?"

"Oh, well I'm the president of your fanclub so I know just about everything there is to know about you."

Psh so he thinks.

Hey! Be nice to the man, he's helping you get out of YOUR mess.

Spiderman! Where have you been!? I actually thought you died!

Nah I just needed a vaction. Being in your head 24/7 is exaushting yet disturbing. Some of the things you think about shouldn't be allowed...

There's the mean old Spiderman I missed.

Did you really miss me?

Actually no. I forgot about you really.

Oh ok... I get it no need to say more. *sniff* I should get going. *packs bags* If I had some.

What? Where are you going?

I'm just gonna leave you alone. I think I should be in someone's head who actually appreciates me.

Wait no Spiderman, I didn't mean what I said.

Goodbye forever. Spiderman has just left the building.

What. Just. Happened?

"Four?" I hear someone asking breaking me out of my trance.

"Huh what?" I ask while shaking the thoughts out of my head.

"Did you not hear what I said?" Steve asks confused.

"Oh yeah sorry I just blanked out for a second. What was it you were going to tell me?"

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