Chapter 23

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Tobias's POV 

  I jolt awake and run to the toliet to puke my guts out. I groan and sit against the bathroom wall. The next thing I realize is that my head is throbbing. Yep definitely a hangover. I feel the bile threatening to make a reapperance so I hang back over the toilet and it all comes out. I feel a small hand rub circles on my back.

     "Hey. How are you feeling?" Tris asks me softly.

     I sigh and wipe my mouth and lean back against the wall,"Like crap." I wince and hold my head as it pounds against my skull,"For some reason this is the worst headache I've ever had after a hangover."

     Tris smiles sheepishly and scratches the back of her head,"Yeah that may or may not have to do with the fact I dropped you on the edge of the bed."

     My eyes widen,"What?"

     "Hey in my defense you are really heavy," She defends,"I also said it may not be the fact I dropped you. It would seem that Zeke gave you a little to much to drink."

   I nod,"Sounds like him. What happened last night? The last thing I remember is taking one shot with Zeke."

   "Yeah about that," She starts,"We had a last minute meeting last night and we had to take you and Zeke with us."

   "No way," I say surprised,"Who was at the meeting?"

    "Oh you know. The group, Amar, Tori, Tyler, and maybe Evelyn and Marcus?" She says more like a question.

     I rub my hands over my face,"Please tell me we didn't say anything stupid."

     "I could," She starts,"But then I would be lying."

      "Of course," I mutter.

      "Yeah and what's with you and Spiderman? You were talking about him being a bully. You also tend to do that in your sleep somethimes as well." She mentions.

    "I hate Spiderman." I mutter.

     No you don't

    Ah stop!!!

   She looks at me weird,"Ok.. Well Mason is awake and we were going to go down to breakfast. Do you want to come?"

   I nod and stand up a bit wobbly from my headache,"Yeah I will come. Just let me change." I quickly strip out of my clothes from yesterday and pull on some jeans and a black t- shirt. 

   "Morning daddy!" Mason greets when I walk into the livingroom.

    "Hey bud!" I exclaim when he jumps into my arms and I ignore the pounding on my head it creates. The three of us walk down the halls we know all to well now.

   "What went on in the meeting?" I ask Tris suddenly.

    "Well we found out that Lynn really isn't against us. She was just 'helping' them so they wouldn't kill us." She says and I sigh in relief. I knew she would never to that to us.

    "That's it?" I ask.

     "No. Apparently the attack was moved to Sunday." She answers.

   "Sunday. As in tomorrow?" She nods,"Huh. How did they get that information?"

      "Marcus." She answers nervously.

       I turn to her,"Seriously? Everyone believes him?"

      "I mean he does have a good point. If he wasn't still with the rebels they would have just attacked us already to get us out of the way." She says.

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