Chapter 6

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Hmmmm let's make this another Tobias's POV

   "Wait." I stop Tris from going any further towards my old childhood home.

     She turns to me,"What?"

    "You need to stay here with Mason. We can't just leave him here all alone. I mean what if he wakes up and no one is here, what if he falls out of his bed, what if-" 

     She laughs,"Relax. My parents are here. They will take care of him if anything goes wrong."

   I nod slowly,"Righttttt, but I mean what if they-"

   She cuts me off again,"Tobias I am going no matter what. Mason will be fine let's go."

   I sigh,"Ok you win." She smirks cockily and we walk into the front yard of my old home. Just standing in the yard gives me chills. 18 years of pain in this very house.

  I turn to look at Tris,"Ok you stay in those bushes over there. Don't you dare leave them. If anything goes wrong don't come help just run back to your house."

  "But what if he-"

    "Tris. No matter what don't come towards the house. Do you understand?" I ask

   She nods defeated,"Yes." I eye her suspiciously before walking closer to the dreadful house. I look back behind me and see that Tris isn't in sight. Good. I take a deep breath and slowly knock on the door. After a couple of seconds the door opens revealing Hannah. 

  Her eyes instantly light up,"Tobias! What are you doing here!?"

  "Hey Hannah! I need to talk to Marcus." She nods and tells me to wait a second as she goes to get him. It feels like eternity until he shows up. When he does my stomach instantly drops and butterflies form.

  "Hello Tobias. It's nice to see you again." He says with his sicking smile. It's the fake smile that makes everyone believe he is the kindest person on Earth. Not me though. I can see staright through his act.

  "Cut the crap Marcus. Why did you want to talk with me?" I spit out while crossing my arms.

  "Why don't you come inside so we can properly talk." He motions towards the living room. I look over to where Tris is and look back at Marcus. I nod and walk towards the living room. He grins while shutting the front door and follows me in.

  As soon as I step foot in the room I stop. This is the room where most of my beatings would occur. I remember the painful lashes that hit my back. The punches thrown at my face. The kicks and the sound of my ribs cracking. Marcus seems to know what I was thinking because he grins and puts his hand on my back

  "Everything alright?" He asks in his 'caring' voice. I stiffen at his touch but nod. He smirks and motions for me to sit. I hesitantly sit on one of the couches and he sits on the one opposite of me.

   "Now tell me why I'm here." I demand.

   "Pacience. Now tell me. How have you been?"

     I glare at him,"Why would you care?"

    "Of course I would care. I haven't seen you in two years. The only time I would see you is from the front of magazines." He says with fake hurt laced in his words. He is trying to make me feel bad. Does it look like I care? Not. At. All.

  "I'm a very busy person." I say simply.

   "To busy for your own father?" he asks inncoently.

    I shrug and look at him in the eye,"What father?" I can tell under his little 'act' he is putting on he is coming up wit a million ways to murder me.

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