Chapter 28

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Thank you Minecraftlove012 for the amazing cover. It is on the side of this chapter.

  Tobias's POV

   I stare intently at the mirror as I shave off the stubble that has grown on my face over the past couple of days. As I rinse my face with the ice cold water and dry my face with a towel the big scar that goes through my eyebrow stares at me. It reminds me of why my sister died, because of me. If I wasn't so stupid in high school none of this would have happend. She would still be here alive, and I wouldn't be headed to her funeral today.

   I sigh and lean my hands against the sink. I then catch a glipse of Tris in the mirror who is standing behind me. She smiles sadly at me and walks closer as I turn to face her. She takes the black tie that is hanging on my neck undone and she ties it for me. As she does this I admire her beauty. She is wearing a smiple black dress that stops right before her knee. Her hair is in a simple bun which frames her face. I don't notice she is finished until she sighs and looks into my eyes.

  Tris leans up and kisses my cheek,"Everyone is downstairs and ready to go, you ready?"

    "As ready as I will ever be." I say with a sigh.

     "Come on." She says lightly as she grabs my hand and we walk down the stairs together. The group is standing by the door waiting for us. They are all wearing formal black attire and give me sad looks when they see me while Mason is sitting in Christina's arms oblivious to what is happening. All he can think about is his birthday, which happens to be tomorrow. It is also going to be his first birthday with me and I can't help but see the light through all of this darkness. I just have to get through today.

   "Let's get going." Tri suggests and we all head out to something I am not looking foward to.

    After a long ride we finally reach the church. As soon as we walk in the doors I am hit with the strong smell of flowers and am surprised with how many people are here. Everyone I pass by stops me and sends me their condolences and tells me how 'everything will be ok'. The typical saying which helps in no way what so ever.

  At the front of the room is a black sleek coffin which people are crowded around. I stop dead in my tracks as I realize that it is open and fully reveals my sister's now lifeless body.

   "Tobias," Tris says softly to me while placing her hand on my shoulder,"We don't have do go up there if it's to much. We can all go find a seat and wait for the reception to start."

    I shake my head,"No. I wanna go up there." She nods slowly and takes my hand while giving it a reassuring squeeze as we walk closer to the coffin. I soon notice all eyes are on me and the people that once stood around the coffin slowly moved out the way for me.

   I inhale a sharp breath as I get up to the coffin. There lays Hannah, looking like she is only just asleep and she will wake up any second, and I wish for nothing more than for that to happen. Her skin is now pale and her cheeks are flushed pink as they naturally did. She is in a white gown and her long brown hair circles her head while her dark blue eyes are concealed by her eyelids. This suddenly gets all to much for me.

   I feel a tear roll down my face as I shake my head and turn away,"I'm sorry. I can't do this." I say to Tris and the rest of the group. They nod in understandment and we take a seat at the front row. I feel like someone is watching me so I turn to the row to the left of us and see Marcus, who is sitting with Evelyn, shooting me a death glare. I let out a deep sigh and turn my head to the front knowing that this time he actually has a reason to hate me. I mean I honestly don't blame him, I hate my self as well. A sound of someone tapping the microphone turns everyone's attention to the front where a priest is standing.

   "We are gathered here today to not only mourn the death of Hannah Eaton, but to celebrate her life. Life is indeed unpredictable and can at times seem cruel, but everything happens for a reason. Everyone who walks into your life makes an impression on you and changes it in one way or another. Hannah was a beloved daughter, sister, and friend and has impacted everyone's life here in this room. She will be missed and her spirit will live on. May the family of Hannah come up one at a time and give a few words about your loved one?"

  Well I didn't know I was going to be speaking today, I don't even know what I am going to say. Soon after Evelyn and Marcus speak it's my turn. I slowly get up and walk up to the front next to the coffin. I look around at the crowd of people who currently have all eyes one me.

  I take a deep breath and start talking,"Looking at this body that sits in the coffin next to me looks nothing like the sister I once knew. Hannah was full of so much life and lit up the room when she walked in, she was the most positive person I know also one of the most talkative. How she managed to have that much to talk about, I never got." That earned a chuckle from the crowd.

   "Hannah was indeed to young for this. She was only twelve, barley even started her life. She would always talk to me about her future. What she wanted to be when she grows up, how many kids she wanted, where she wanted to move to. She had it all planned out and it sickens me knowing that she would never have the change to achieve her goals." I pause for a second while a tear or two streams down my face.

   "We were there the day she died, my friends and I. We witnessed the bullet going through her heart, and she died right in my arms. A picture I will never forget. She didn't deserve all of this, she didn't deserve to die. Everyone she met instantly loved her, and juding by how many people are here today you probably know what I am talking about. Just one smile to a complete stranger would make their entire day, she seemed to have that effect on people especially me. Hannah never failed to cheer me up when I am having a bad day. If I could go back in time and take that bullet instead of her I wouldn't think twice about it. Words can not describe how much I miss her," I look over at her still, pale body and whisper,"I love you Hannah." 


A/N: Ok sorry this chapter is super short but I thought this would be a good place to end the chapter. I also got my wisdom teeth taken out this morning so my teeth hurt like crap and I had to sit on the couch all day, so why not write?

  QOTD: What color hair and eyes do you have?

  Answer: I have blond hair and blue eyes.

  Thank you all so very much for all of your support and sticking with me! I love each and everyone of you beautiful people so much!!! :*




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