Chapter 24

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***Please read my A/N below, I REALLY need your help. Thank you! Now onto the story :D

Tris's POV

   I wake up to my amazing boyfriend playing with my hair. I look up to meet his beautiful deep blue eyes that I know and love.

   He smiles and kisses my head,"Good morning beautiful."

    "Good morning handsome." I reply, laying my head on his chest while he starts to play with my hair again. We sit there in a comfortable silence, just thinking. Today is the day of the attack, and Tobias and I both know there will be some deaths from both our 'army' and the traitors'.

   "I hate to say this, but we have to get up." Tobias says breaking the silence. I nod slowly and get up. Before I walk into the bathroom Tobias stops me and takes my face in his hand.

   "Can you promise me something?" He asks. I nod and he continues,"Promise me that you will stay alive. Mason needs a parent and if one of us should be the one to stay alive for him, it should be you."


    He cuts me off,"No, please promise me you won't do anything stupid or reckless today. I can't lose you."

   I sigh and put my forehead against his,"I can't lose you either."

    He is silent for a couple of seconds,"Just promise me you will be careful."

   I nod,"I promise Tobias." I lean forward and press my lips to his. He imediatly deepens the kiss and wraps his arm around my waist while I snake my arms around his neck. I pull away slightly and he pouts.

   "We really should get ready." I say. He groans but nods.

   "I call first shower!" I exclaim and run into the bathroom before I can here his response. This is going to be a long day.

                              *Time lapse!*

    After dropping Mason off with Hannah we head over to the pit where we were told to meet.

   "Do we have to do this?" I whine.

    Tobias chuckles,"Sadly, but just think. When we are finished with this whole fiasco we get to go home. Our real home."

  I sigh in relief,"Thank goodness!" When we arrive at the pit it is filled with people. Probably everyone from the Allegiant. After what feels like hours we finally find our friends in the sea of people.

  "Look who finally showed up!" Christina exclaims. How does she have this much energy when we are literally about to go in a life or death situation?

  "In our defense, you guys are all the way in the front. It's literally impossible to get through all these people." Tobias defends.

   "Don't be so dramatic," Will says,"Obviously it's not impossible if you just did what you said was impossible."

   "Will guess what?" I ask enthusiastically.

  "What?" He asks in the same tone.

   "Shut up," I state simply,"You think to logically." This makes him pout, but he does shut up. Suddenly the talking in the room stops. I look around confused and my eyes land on the stage right in front of us. Standing there is Tyler, Evelyn, Marcus, Amar, and Tori.

   "Today is the day," Evelyn starts,"The day we finally take down the traitors. Ladies and gentlemen, most of us have been working almost fifteen years for this day to happen. Well it is finally here and we will win. Everyone in this room is perfectly trained and skilled enough to get us through this."

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