Chapter 13

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Tris's POV

"HOW CAN YOU LOSE A TWO YEAR OLD CHILD!!" I shout in Caleb's face. Right after we got the call the entire group is now on another mission. This time to find my son.

He looks down at the ground,"Listen just let me explain. We were watching a movie and next thing you know a group of people with black hoodies bargged in. The only thing I remember is getting knocked out and when I woke up. Mason was gone." I don't realize I have tears streaming down my face until Tobias takes me in his arms. I bury my face in his cheast and let the tears flow freely.

"How many people were there?" Tobias's voice rumbles from underneath me. Something that makes me feel safe. I just wish we actually were.

"There five people." Caleb answers. I remove my face from Tobias's chest, but he still keeps me in his arms.

"So you didn't see any of the faces?" I ask while sniffling.

He shakes his head slowly,"Sadly no. I didn't."

"Look!" Uriah exclaims from the living room. When did he get in there? He runs back over to us, holding a note.

"They left this." He says out of breath.

"What does it say?" Shauna asks.

"It says. 'If you want to see your precious child again. Bring all of your little friends to the old warehouse by the school. Better hurry." He reads. A sob escapes my mouth and Tobias's grip on me tightens. I look up at him and see that he has tears coming from his eyes as well. Now that I mention it, everyone does. Mason has touched everyone's heart in this group.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go save Mason!" Marlene exclaims.

I look over at Caleb,"Stay here and watch the place. If anything or anyone shows up call us." With that we hop into the car and zoom over to the old ware house. I look at Tobias and take a deep breath. He looks at me and smiles sadly then takes my hand and gives it a reasurring squeeze.

"We will get him back. I promise." He says. I nod slowly and the eight of us slowly walk into the death trap. As soon as we step foot in the warehouse it isn't how I would've imagined it at all. It is all white and modern looking with technology I've never seen before. There is a big staircase that leads to whatever is upstairs. It looks like they have been working on this plan for a while. Before we get anywhere deeper into the strange place. A big hologram of a person in all black pops up. I wish we could see the face, but their face is hidden by the hood and the shadow it casts on their face.

"Well look who we have here." Their voice is all mixed to make it sound adnormally deep,"I guess you were coming here for this?" They then lift up Mason. His eyes are filled with fear.

"Let him go!" I shout.

The person shrugs and hands Mason off to someone else in black,"Ok we will send him back to your little house with your pathetic brother."

I look at Tobias and he looks back at me confused,"That's it?" He asks.

The person just laughs and the doors of the warehouse close,"He was just our bait. We didn't care about him. Now that we have all of you we can finally get what we want." Next thing that I know the hologram disappears and the lights go out. I grip onto Tobias's hand harder and he wraps himself around me. I hear the sounds of people's feet and the horrifying sound of my friends getting hit.

I feel Tobias's body get pulled away from mine. A loud thump immediately signals after it making me wince. Two hands suddenly clamp onto my wrists. Something hits hard against my temple making me lose conciousness. Last thing I remember is two cold cuffs clamping against my wrist.

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