Chapter 9

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A/N:This is a week after where we left off.

Tobias's POV

"FOUR!!!!!!" Zeke yells from downstairs just as I'm getting out of the shower and wrapping a towel around me.

I roll my eyes,"WAIT A SECOND WILL YA!?" I yell back. I throw on my usual dark jeans and a black shirt. I then run downstairs to see what the idiot wants.

"Yeah?" I ask when I walk into the living room and plop on the couch next to him.

"We have an emergency." He says in a serious tone.

I raise my eyebrow,"What is it?"

"Someone broke into my car, stole my wallet, and trashed it with coffee!" He exclaims. I have to bite my lip to keep myself from laughing. Well looks like he hasn't been in his car since last week.

"Did you lock it?" I ask keeping the joke going for a little bit longer.

He scratches the back of his head,"Well- um- I- you see-"

I shake my head in dissapointment,"Buddy, you need to start locking up your car."

He nods ashamed,"I know."

"You know your lucky it wasn't a real robber." Just as I say that I hear my phone ringing from upstairs. I jump up to go get it, but Zeke stops me.

"Ah-ah-ah I'm not finished with you young man."

I roll my eyes and keep walking,"Yeah, well I am."

"I am giving you to the count of three mister." He says like a mother. I just keep walking.

"One, two-"

"Whattttt?" I whine while turning around.

"You know who did this didn't you." He accuses.

I shrug and lean against the wall,"I may."

"Really!? Who did it?" He asks eagerly.

"I'm not going to tell you right away. You have to guess. I will give you a hint though. They have a number for a name." I say giving the biggest hint away.

"Hmmm... that's a really hard one.." He mutters deep in thought.

"Are you serious?" I ask slowly,"There is only one person who has a number for a name."

His eyes widen and he slaps his forehead like he is stupid,"Of course. How can I be so stupid. Miley Cyrus."

I stare at him for what seems to be forever,"Really Zeke? Miley Cyrus?"

"Well yeah. She is the only person that I can think of who has a number for a name." He says like it's obvious.

I sigh and rub my eyes,"Okay maybe this will help. One, two, three...." I gesture for him to say the next number.

"Miley Cyrus!" He exclaims.

I facepalm,"You're such an idiot. It goes one, two, three, FOUR!"

Zeke looks at me like I'm the idiot,"Wow man you are stupid. Everyone knows it goes one, two, three, Miley Cyrus."

I roll my eyes,"Will, Uriah can you come here for a second!?" I shout. I hear a groan and a cheer and a second later Will and Uriah appear.

"Really? You couldn't wait a minute. I was winning, but thanks to you Will killed me!" Uriah exclaims.

"You don't look dead to me." Zeke says stupidly. It's official he's got a problem.

"Please tell Zeke what number comes after three."

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