Chapter 12

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Tris's POV

  "We got the stuff!!" Christina shouts walking through the door of the guy's apartment with Will.

   "If I didn't know any better then I would think you were talking about drugs." Zeke comments. She rolls her eyes and throws us each a bag full of clothes. Christina and Will went to the store to get us clothes for our 'spy' mission as the guys call it. They claimed the clothes would help with our 'spy' abilities. No doubt about it buying eight outfits would cost a fortune, so much to Christina's constant danying Tobias paid for it all.

    We all went to seperate places in the house to change. I opened the bag scared to see what Christina got me, but I was pleasently surprised. She got me some black skinny jeans, a black shirt to go under the black hoodie, and of course she got me some shoes. They were some tall black stiletto boots. Right as I put everything on someone knocks on the door.

  "Knock knock girl." It's Christina. I open the door and she comes barreling into the door.

  "I'm doing your makeup." She states simply and pushes me into a chair while pulling out her makeup bag.

  "Wait, Chris I don't need any makeup. We are only going to be doing some 'investigation'." I protest.

   "To bad. It will only make this look one thousand times better." She counters. I sigh and let her do her magic. After probably a half an hour of makeup brushes dragging and pulling my skin she finishes.

  "Ok my master piece is complete!" She exclaims. I stand up and look into the mirror. My eyes widen and I am convinced this is not me. I have a fierce looking smoky eye with winged liner and fire red lips. My hair is pulled into a high ponytail.

  "You like?" She asks with a smirk on her face.

   "Like? I love!" I exclaims and give her a hug.

   "Come on we have some spying to do. Wait, what are you going to do about Mason. You obviously can't bring him with us." Christina says.

  "Yeah, that's exactly why I dropped Mason off at my house. Caleb is home for a week so he offered to watch Mason for me. You were getting the clothes when Four and I dropped him off." I explain.

  She nods and smirks,"Come on. I'm sure Four misses you seeing that you two are insperable."

   I roll my eyes,"let's just go." I pull her out the bathroom and we walk over to the living room where the entire gang sits there in all black.

   "Yes! They are finally here now we can go!" Uriah exclaims. Tobias's eyes pop out of his head when he sees me. I chuckle and walk up to him wrapping my arms around his neck.

  "Hey there." I whisper while smirking.

   "Hey beautiful." He replies. I lean in and our lips touch. He instantly deepens it.

    "Don't you think one kid is enough for now." Zeke's voice breaks the kiss. Tobias pulls away slightly while groaning.

   "I hate you Zeke." He says with his forehead against mine. 

    I chuckle and kiss his nose,"Come on. We better get going." He nods and takes my hand then and walk over to the group.

  "Okay so what's the plan?" Marlene asks.

    "Well considering the news about Eric and Peter Marcus can be a really big suspect. I say we investigate him first." Will sugests. We all agree.

  "What about-"

   Shauna immediately cuts Tobias off,"No how many times do I have to say it? Lynn didn't do anything, nor will she ever. Just because you do, doesn't mean everyone else has a messed up family. "

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