Chapter 1

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Disclaimer- As we all know Divergent goes to the amazing author Veronica Roth!

Tris's POV

 Some people may say I'm selfish or maybe even a coward. Leaving Tobias because I was scared to tell him I was pregnant, and let me tell you. They would be more than right. I feel awful for leaving him without telling him where or why I was leaving, but something tells me it was for the best. Tobias is doing amazing without me. His talent got recognized all across the world. Everyone knows him as Four: the hot, bad boy musician. According to the girls (Christina, Shauna, Marlene, and Lynn) right when I left he went back to his old ways. Not as bad, but still the bad boy everyone knew him as. They are all still dating the guys (besides Lynn her and Caleb didn't have any chemistry), so they fill me in on everything.

  It has now been two years since I left to go live at my Aunt's place. She only lives an hour and a half from my house so the girls were able to visit every week. The guys still don't know. If Will, Uriah, or Zeke found out they would defiantly tell Tobias. I am now living back with my parents. Once again the guys don't know. All four of them live in an apartment in Chicago anyways so they shouldn't run into me. Epescially Tobias.

  Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. The crying fills the house. Look who is awake. I climb up the stairs and walk into my baby boy's room. 

   "Hey Mason." I say quietly while picking him up gently. His deep blue eyes stare right into mine. He is an exact copy of his father. With his dark hair, hooked nose, and captivating blue eyes. The only trait he got from me is only my lips and cheek bones. I can never look at Mason without thinking of Tobias. I can just tell that he will have his personality as well. I can't go a day without thinking of Tobias can I? 

  "Come on buddy." I huff out then walk back downstairs and into the kitchen.

  "Good morning Beatrice." My parents greets when I walk in. It's only the four of us now. Caleb went off to college with some sort of scholorship.

  "Morning." I reply.

  "Would you like any breakfast?" My mom asks

  "No thank you, I just have to get my keys I'm meeting the girls at the cafe."

  "Ok have fun sweetie!" My mom says when I walk out the door. I buckle Mason into his car seat and drive off. With in what feels like seconds I reach the cafe.

   "Hey Tris!" Christina exclaims when I sit down at the table.

  "Hey guys." I strap Mason down in the high chair that is at the end of the table.

  "Hey Mason!" Shauna exclaims and holds out her hand for a high five. He grins and slaps her hand.

  "I still don't belive he is your son. He looks nothing like you." Marlene says. I nod and look over at Mason. He is entertaining himself with the silverware on the table with a huge grin on his face. I soon feel a smile make it's way onto my face.

  "I'm telling you that kid is always smiling." Lynn says. I chuckle and open my mouth to say something, but the words soon get lost when I hear a familiar voice coming from behind me.

  "Hey guys!" The voice exclaims. That voice sounds a lot like Zeke. I look up at Christina and glare at her knowing she had something to do with this.

  "Oh yeah... Did I tell you that we invited the guys? Oops must've slipped my mind." She says innocently.

  "What!?" I shriek and put my head down. 

   "Don't worry Four isn't coming. He is still on his tour. He will be home tomorrow." Christina says. I sigh in relief, but still keep my head on the table.

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