Chapter 33

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A/N: Alright you guys I'm so incredibly sorry about my slow updating I will explain more at the end of the chapter. As of now we are just going to get on with this chapter. Also there will be a lot of changes of POV between Tobias and Tris in this chapter so just bear with me.

Tris's POV

"Wakie wakie Tris." A cheery voice interupts my sleep. I groan and squeeze the pillow over my ears to block out the sound. Suddenly brigthness spills through my closed eyelids making me pull the blankets over my head.

"Oh my gosh Tris just get your lazy butt up." Another vocie says while tugging the blankets completely off of me. A blast of cold air hits me once my warm blanket slides off of me.

"Guys what could you possibly want to have to wake me up at-" I pause to check the time on my phone,"Five in the morning! You woke me up at five in the morning!?"

"Looks like little Tris here forgot what day it is." Marlene says to the girls.

My eyes widen in realization and I jump up,"It's my wedding day!"

"Wow mood swings much?" Lynn asks. I stick out my tounge at her then look around my room realizing Tobias isn't in here.

"Looking for Four I'm guessing?" Christina asks.

I nod in response,"Where is he?"

"Two things," Shauna starts,"One, you aren't allowed to see Four before your wedding and two, him and the guys didn't come home last night."

I stare at Shauna for a while making sure I heard her right,"You're telling me that the guys didn't come home at all?"

"Yeah. We tried calling them many times, but none of them answered." Marlene answers.

I let out a strange sound of frustration and sit back down on the bed,"I told each of them not to do anything stupid. Now look I'm sure they're flat out passed out somewhere in a ditch because they got so drunk last night."

"Tris calm down," Lynn demands,"Maybe they decided last minute they would stay at a hotel or something and their phones died because they left their chargers here."

"Yeah I mean come on Tris do you really think that Four is going to get drunk on the eve of his wedding? He loves you and if he says he won't do anything stupid then he means it. Him and the guys are probably just out relaxing before the big night." Christina adds.

"Yeah you guys are right. I mean he is responsible and he wouldn't do anything stupid the night before the biggest day of our life." I agree.

"There you go Tris. Now let's go to the spa and get you all ready for your big day." Shauna says while they lead me out. I don't know what I was thinking, of course Tobias wouldn't do anything stupid.

Tobias's POV

I wake up feeling something poking me. I curl more into a ball trying to stop the poking,"Tris stop it." I groan my voice hoarse for whatever reason.

The poking doesn't stop so I jump up annoyed expecting to see Tris, but that's no where near close. In front of me stands a little boy probably aorund eight years old holding a stick.

"Wha- Where you poking me with that!?" I exclaim. The little boy just stares at me for what feels like hours then he throws a pickle at me then stomps on my foot and runs away. I groan and hold my injured foot. What the heck was that!? This is when I realize I'm not home.

I look around trying to figure out where I am. I soon come up with the conclusion that I'm in the middle of nowhere. Actually scratch that, I'm in the middle of a ditch in the middle of no where. A big ditch too, I can't even see out of it. I look below me and see my three idiot friends passed out in strange positions.

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