Chapter 5

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Disclaimer- As you all know I don't own Divergent.

Tobias's POV

Do you know the feeling when what is happening right now doesn't feel like real life? Yeah I'm having one of those moments. I mean can you blame me? I am currently holding my son that I never thought I would have and next to Tris. The only girl I have ever loved.

Don't get me wrong I will always love her. I just can't help but still be mad. I mean she left for two years with my own son. Without even telling me. Excuse me if I don't just welcome her in with open arms. Not matter how much I really do want to right now. I just can't. For now though I will at least act like a civil person. That is if I want to be apart of Mason's life.

"You need his car seat don't you?" I ask Tris as we arrive to my car.

She nods,"It's still in Zeke's car actually."

"Ok I will go get it." I offer and before she can decline I walk off. Being the dumb butt he is he doesn't lock his car. I grab the seat, but decide to teach him a little lesson. I grab his wallet in his 'hidden' compartment in the car. I then move some stuff around to make it look like someone went through his stuff.

I'm about to walk away before I get an idea. He has a huge coffee cup in the front seat that is still filled. I take the cup and pour it all over the car. Making sure to get the front seat an the steering wheel. I grin and walk back over to Tris and putting the seat in my car.

"Thank you." She says while buckling Mason up. She hops in the passenger seat and I drive off.

"Why did you do that to Zeke's car?" She asks curiously.

I smirk,"He's an idiot. He never locks his door and he keeps his life in his car. I decided I needed to teach him a lesson. Now he will always lock his car."

She chuckles,"He will be pissed."

I nod,"That he will, but the four of us always do this type of stuff to each other. The pranks get pretty bad too."

"What's the worst that's gotten done to you?" She asks.

I hum thinking for the answer for a second. I snap when it comes to me,"Well one time I was supposed to fly into Europe for my tour and the guys changed my flight without knowing. I ended up in some small town in the middle of no where. It seemed like they announced I was going there or something because the population literally only consisted of fangirls." I shutter,"Pretty scary."

"Awwww is little Four afraid of little fangirls?" She asks like she's talking to a baby.

"Nooo." I deny. She raises her eyebrows at me,"Ok ok, but they are pretty frightening when they are all running full speed at you while screaming at the top of their lungs."

She laughs,"Ok whatever you say." She looks around for a moment and turns back to me,"Where are we going anyway?"

"A small place on the outside of the town. It's called the pit and it has the best burgers." I answer.

She nods and starts flipping through the channels on the radio. She stops and turns to me with a huge grin on her face. My hit song Demons starts playing. I roll my eyes while she laughs at me.

"Come on rockstar sing." She says. I smile and shake my head.

"Aww come on. He likes it." She pushes pointing to Mason. I look in the review mirror and see him dancing and singing some of the lyrics. I chuckle and look back at Tris. She is sitting there making puppy dog eyes at me. Which may I say is adorable. I give in and start singing the chorus with Tris.

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