Chapter 15

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A/N: Hey guys before we start I have quite a lot of shout outs for this chapter.@peacocksrock@tomatobatman@rena1093@animegirlreaders @Inis_Divergence @FourColors. You should follow them and read their stories. You really should. :).......... Onward my wonderful readers. To the next chapter!

Tris's POV

   "Evelyn?" Tobias asks shocked.

    She grins,"Hello son." Everyone in our group, besides me, stares at Tobias then Evelyn then back to Tobias and back to Evelyn. It's kind of creepy how they are doing it in sync. Like they are some kind of robots.

     "Wait I'm confused." Uriah bursts out randomly.

     Zeke rolls his eyes and outs his hand on his shoulder,"Well my dear brother let me explain something to you. When you meet someone and are attracted to them you-"

    "NO!" Uriah shouts and covers his ears,"I wasn't talking about that. What I meant was I am confused about this whole thing. Like what is this whole Allegiant thing? Oh and most importantly, why are we here?"

   Evelyn raises her eyebrow and looks over at Uriah. Just in that simple act I see how Tobias can be related with her. He uses the same facial expressions as her,"You sure do have a lot of questions don't you?" She asks Uriah.

   "Well." She starts before she can say anything,"We will explain everything soon. First let's show you around." Then Evelyn, Amar, and Tori lead us through the compound. I'm blown away. This place is amazing and I completly forgot that we are like 100 feet below the ground here. They show us places called the pit, the training room, control room, the cafeteria. The place though that catches my attention the most is the chasm. I am instantly drawn to the splashing water below you as you stand on the ledge looking down. It seems so... peaceful. They lead us back to the training room and we all take a seat facing the three of them.

   "Now we are about to explain everything. Hold all questions until the end. Got it?" Evelyn asks and we all nod.

    "We are the Allegiant as you already know. We built this organization to go against the other group, the one that we saved you from. They plan to over throw the government and be in charge. So basically if that happens and they are in charge they will run it like a dictorship. Obviously we don't want that to happen, so we are here in secret to defeat them before they get to the government. Obviously they are already pretty far into their plan, because they have Marcus on their team and he is already really high in the government. Which is a problem for us." Evelyn explains.

     "What do we have to do with any of this?" Shauna asks. Looks like someone doesn't get the statement 'hold all questions until the end'. Although I was thinking the same thing she just spoke before me.

    "We needed to find some people that would be brave enough, strong enough to be apart of our team. We have been watching all of you for a couple of years now. That is why you were taken, which we appologize for. They had a 'spy' come into the compund and got the information about all of you that's why they took you. They knew that all eight of you would be able to stop them." Amar answers.

    "Can we ask questions now?" I ask.

     "That is a queation, but yes we are done." Tori says.

      "How long exactly have you been watching us?" I ask.

       "Eight years give or take." Tori answers.

       "So you have been watching us since we were in middle school!?" Tobias asks in shock.

       Evelyn nods,"We've known about their plan for a while. We watched a handfull of kids, but the eight of you really stuck out to us."

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