Chapter 30

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A/N: Alright you guys. Are you ready for this? I hope you are because in this chapter we will be going into the deep, dark, strange, and insanly small mind of... Zeke Pedrad. I would like to say a quick thank you to @shamzi for the idea of this. With out further ado lets travel into the mind of the strange creature we all know and love, Zeke. Enter.... if you dare.

Zeke's POV

"Zeke. Zeke. Zeke wake up!"

"Five more minutes mommy." I groan while rolling over.

"Zeke. I'm not your mom." The voice says while giggling.

I gasp and bolt up,"Jesus? is that you???"

"No you idiot. It's me." I turn towards the voice and see Shauna sitting on the edge of the bed laughing.

"Oh well that makes since. I was wondering why Jesus would sound like a girl." I comment.

She just rolls her eyes and stands up,"Come on get up everyone is already awake and downstairs."

I huff and stand up too,"Why does everyone wake up so early?"

"It's almost one in the afternoon. I don't know what world you've been living in but here that is not considered early." She says and starts walking downstairs.

"Well you have seen my face right," I ask and head down with her,"I need my beauty sleep if you want me to keep this beautiful face."

"Just because you have a nice face doesn't mean you can sleep till one in the afternoon." She retorts.

I gasp dramatically,"You really think I have a nice face?"

"Don't flatter yourself." She says her eyes only on where she is walking and not on me.

"It's alright I think you have a nice face too." I say while pecking her cheek.

She looks over at me while grinning,"There, now that's better." She presses her lips to mine then walks into the kitchen without saying another word.

That's when it hits me. Something that changes everything. Something dark, cold, and something no one should ever go through. Some dramatic stuff here.... I missed breakfast!!!! *Cue horror music* *Oh and some high pitched scream*

This is it. My life is over. No! Eziekel Pedrad get your flat butt in there and face it, you missed breakfast. I do not have a flat butt. Yeah I do. No I don't! Stop it I am confusing everyone just go in the kitchen and stop being such a pansycake. That's it I can't use my brother's stupid word against myself, I'm going in.

"Well good morning sleeping beauty." Everyone greets when I walk in.

"Hey shut it," I scold and sit in one of the stools at the counter.

"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Uriah says in a sing-song voice.

"Nah Uri that's not the problem, he finally realized he has a flat butt." Will says making them crack up while I glare at both of them.

"Guys give him a break," Four says. Will and Uriah stops laughing and look down ashamed.

"Thank you buddy. See someone ge-"

"It's obvious he just started his period today." He says cutting me off. The three guys then break out into laughter.

"No." I state sternly,"That's actually not what the problem is. It's something a lot worse actually, I missed breakfast." The room grows silent and everyone just stares at me.

"Seriously?" Four asks.

"I know really," Tris says,"In what world would you think that missing breakfast is worse than being on your period?"

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