Chapter 21

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Tobias's POV

I sit with my head in my hands and just stare at into the the chasm water crashing agaisnt the rocks I'm sitting on. I stumble across this place in the chasm without meaning. I don't think anyone else knows about it because no one is here. It's just me and my thoughts aka Spiderman who won't shut up.

It's a gift.

Why do you always show up? What are you a stalker?

If I had eyes right now I would be giving you the 'are you serious' look. I'm not stalking you smart one, I'm your thoughts.

Ok what ever you say Spiderman. Hey shouldn't you be in New York saving the world?

Oh man... You are an idiot.

That's not very nice. You know I was trying to have a dramatic life moment right now, but you came and ruined it.

Well then I can see I'm not welcome here, so I will be going.

Man, Now my dramatic moment is ruined. Suddenly I hear footsteps that are coming closer to me.

"Tobias?" A soft voice asks. Tris. Never mind maybe my dramatic moment isn't ruined. look up and see her walking slowly over towards me. I watch her as she sits on the rock next to me with concern in her eyes.

"How did you find me?" I ask.

"Well we literally looked all over the compound and just as I was walking back towards our room hoping you went back there, I just kind of ran into this place." She answers.

I nod and look out into the water,"It's nice here isn't it? All of your problems just seem to disappear down here."

I can feel her eyes on me as we sit here in silence for a while,"Tobias. Are you okay?" I take my head off of my hands and look at her. She nods and bites her lips,"Ok that probably wasn't the best question, but maybe talking about it will help."

I look back out into the water not able to look into her eyes,"I don't know why I'm acting like such a wuss. I guess it's just seeing Marcus here, with Evelyn kind of made me realize how messed up my family really is." I shake my head and put it back into my hands covering my eyes.

"Tobias, you are not acting like a wuss. It's alright to be like this. You don't have hide your emotions all the time. You can let them free especially around me, don't be afraid to cry sometimes. No one can blame you, you have been through so much and you are only 20 years old." She says. Instantly my walls come down and I feel wetness roll down my cheeks. Tris gently takes my head in her hands and forces me to look at her.

"Talk to me Tobias." She says quietly as she whipes some of my stray tears and I just stare into her captivating blue eyes for a second.

I sigh and finally speak,"I just- Sometimes wonder what I did wrong. I mean my father and brother both hate my guts. My mother is stupid enough to get back with the man that abused her, but really who cares about me? What about Hannah? She is only 12 and she had to find out from me how messed up our family really is. Tris, what are we going to do about her? She can't stay with Evelyn anymore."

"Easy, Just take her with you." She states simply.

I shake my head,"It won't be that easy. I wish it was, but it won't be. If I take her with me then I know for a fact they will report it as a kidnapping."

"Well first of all we can threaten to reveal the truth about Marcus to them. If it did get to court, then Hannah can speak for herself. If she claims that she won't feel safe living with them then so won't have to." Tris suggests.

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