Chapter 20

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Tris's POV

   Knock knock knock

    I groan and untangle myself from Tobias's arms forcing myself out of bed. Who the heck is here at... Oh it's two in the afternoon already. How did we stay asleep till now? Well in our defense we had a long night. When I approach the door I swing it open revealing a smiling Hannah holding an entergetic Mason.

   "Wow. You look like crap." She says amused then walks into the apartment.

    "Nice to see you too." I say sarcastically.

    "What time did you get back last night?" She asks while sitting on the couch,"I'm guessing it was late considering you are still wearing everything." I loodown and realize I am indeed wearing the same clothes. I groan once again and plop down on the couch next to Hannah.

    I put my head back and rub my eyes,"Um. We got home at around three maybe."

     She nods,"Where's Tobias? Did you get pictures for me?"

    I look at her and nod while smirking,"Mhm, of all the guys."

    Her eyes light up,"No way! Can I see it!?" I chuckle and find my phone on the table in front of the couch. As I am typing in the password a thump is heard from the bedroom. Not a second later Tobias appears from the bedroom. He's still wearing the same dress and the makeup makes him look like a racoon. Hannah starts cracking up and takes a picture.

    He looks confused,"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

    "Um you might want to take a look in the mirror." I say while stiffling a laugh. When he walks away I quickly show Hannah the picture making her laugh even harder.

   "Oh man! They look exactly like girls!" She exclaims and I nod in agreement. Mason looks at the phone curiously.

   "Look that's daddy." I tell him and point to Tobias. Mason grins like crazy and covers his mouth in disbelief.

  "Daddy!" He says while laughing at the picture. 

    "Ah man this stuff is impossible to get off." I hear Tobias say in the bathroom.

  "Well it looks like you've got your hands full. My mom wants you guys to go down to the training room in thirty minutes. I just brought Mason here to say hi considering I have to watch him while you are there." Hannah says. I give her a greatful smile and say my goodbye to the two and go deal with my hopeless fiance. When I walk into the bathroom I see him splashing water all over his face and trying to scrub the makeup off.

   "Tobias honey, you might want to use this." I offer holding up a makeup wipe.

   He looks at me,"How would that little thing take off all of this?"

  I hand him the wipe, "Just try it." He takes it and rubs it on his eyes taking off all the makeup.

   "This stuff is magic!" He exclaims. 

    "Not really, but ok. I'm going to take a shower."


    A shower and thirty minutes later:

   When Tobias and I arrive at the training room everyone is already there looking fresh and nothing like they did last night.

    "How was the mission? Everything went well?" Tyler asks.

    We all look around,"Sure let's just go with that." I say.

   "Anyone get any information?" He asks.

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