First move part 5

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At the performance

Danceracha was getting ready backstage. Felix and Hyunjin were both nervous about the amount of people watching, while Minho was nervous for a completely different reason. Tonight was the night he would get his revenge. It had to be.

He tried visualising the plan that him and Seungmin had prepared in his head. Danceracha would be performing somewhere in the middle, which was perfect because the spectators would be too focused on the stage to notice a murder was happening. After their performance, Seungmin would go backstage to 'meet' Minho. At least that's what the assassin would believe. But just before Han Jisung would have the chance to attack Seungmin, Minho would kill him quietly with his knife. Then he would take the body back to their car and hide all proof. The cameras would be off of course.

Basically nothing could go wrong, right? But there was a certain fear crippling up Minho's back, something he had never felt before a mission. Hesitation.

Would he really be able to kill Han Jisung? Look him in those beautiful round eyes, and end his life with his own knife? Minho quickly shook the feeling of. It didn't matter, his feelings right now didn't matter. All that mattered was those long years he had spent training and killing in order to achieve his revenge, it was now or never.


Jisung was trying to navigate the giant crowd of jopping fans. The screams and cheering were making him a little dizzy. He had been there since the concert started, about an hour ago, but nothing he had seen so far seemed to catch his attention. All the stages were so boring, so tasteless he thought.

That was until something caught his attention. There was a new trio on stage, probably a dance team he though, and the song that started playing was none other than 'broken compass'. His own song.

He remembered what Changbin and Chan had told him about Hae Seungmin, that he was here to watch his friend perform in a team called Danceracha. A dance cover team for 3racha. There had been no other 3racha songs tonight, so it must've been them. That meant, the moment of the assassination was approaching fast.

But other than their own song, something else caught Jisung's attention. One of the dancers in fact.

He couldn't take his eyes of the beautiful sight on stage. The dancer was moving so seamlessly, and every move he did seemed so easy. The stage was dark, and the dance team were all wearing black clothes, and yet, his presence lit up the stage like he had never seen. He couldn't see his face, but somehow Jisung knew he was beautiful. At that moment, the dancer turned towards the spectators and Jisung could swear he was staring right at him. His heart skipped a beat as he finally saw the face and eyes of the beautiful dancer. His hair was all black, yet his eyes were as bright as shimmering diamonds. Jisung knew he had never seen such a pretty person before, and although he hated to admit it, he was maybe more handsome than himself.

After what had seemed like only a few seconds, the song ended, and the three dancers went backstage again. The next group started performing, and Jisung quickly snapped back to reality.

"Oh shit. The mission" he reminded himself. He quickly moved towards the hall that led backstage and placed himself behind a wall so that no spectator could see him.

"J.One in position" he said thorough the earpiece. "Cb97 in position" he heard Chan reply and not long after, Changbin replied too. "Spear.b in position". Those were their assassin names or 'stage names' as they called them.

Changbin was waiting for them in the car so they could make their escape once the mission was done, and Chan was somewhere in the crowd so he could come help J.One if something happened. J.One took a deep breath and told himself that everything would be okay, he just needed to do as usual.

But he didn't know he was being observed...


Minho was quietly observing Han Jisung from a distance. He was hidden behind the wall at the end of the corridor and had a perfect view of his victim, who had no idea he was there. He watched the youngers every move and was quite shocked to see him shaking nervously. Was he not a trained assassin? Why would he be nervous, Minho asked himself.

"Lee Know are you ready?" Seungmin asked through his earpiece. Lee Know was Minho's stage name, and the name he had chosen to keep himself anonymous for this mission, in case anyone was listening. "I'm ready" he answered, although his body was telling him different. "Okay, let's commence the operation" Seungmin said, and then left Minho alone in silence.

Not even a minute later, footsteps could be heard echoing through the corridors. 'That must be Seungmin' Lee Know thought. He saw Jisung grabbing his gun with both his hands and aiming it at the wall, where Seungmin would soon appear.

At the same moment, Lee Know started approaching his victim while making sure he didn't see him. One wrong move, and Jisung would immediately know someone was behind him. Luckily, he was too concentrated at aiming his gun, rather than observing his environments, which allowed Lee Know to advance all the way to him, until they were standing only a few centimetres apart. If Lee Know hadn't held his breath, Jisung would certainly have felt it against his soft hair.

Lee Know looked down on Jisung's orange pink hair, and felt an urge to pat his head just to see how soft it was. Though if he did, he'd be dead in seconds. He had to hold himself back from laughing at how smol and precious the little assassin looked. If there wasn't huge tension in the air, Lee Know would have hugged the small boy and showered him with kisses. A small smile appeared on his face while he thought of that.

'Wait, what the hell am I thinking about' Lee Know thought as he finally escaped those weird fantasies.

The steps were getting louder, which meant Seungmin was going to be here in just a few seconds. Lee Know tightened his grip around the knife and was getting ready to slice the assassin's throat with it.

At that moment, Seungmin appeared, and the battle had begun...

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