New friend part 3

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Hyunjin had been locked in his room ever since Minho revealed the truth about Jeongin's identity. He hadn't even come out to eat, and he hadn't managed to fall asleep for more than ten minutes. Every time he closed his eyes, the thoughts came back to haunt him, and so he tried distracting himself by playing among us. (I miss Hyunjin's among us phase :')

He was pulled out of his thoughts when someone knocked on his bedroom door. He slowly got up and opened it, expecting it to be Minho or Felix with a plate of food, but instead, he saw the person he had least expected. Jeongin.

"Can we talk?" He asked shyly, fighting with his fingers. "Felix hyung told me you needed to talk" he added.

Hyunjin was completely frozen in place. It was the second time only he was speaking with Jeongin, and they were totally alone in his room. Weird (and dirty) thoughts started to wander around his not so innocent mind, but he quickly pulled himself together and stepped aside to let Jeongin in.

They sat down on the big bed. The room was still very basic and not very stylised, since Hyunjin had only lived here for some days.

"Are you uncomfortable with my job?" Jeongin asked, breaking the silence. "Since you basically ran away after what Minho hyung said and all..."

"I'm not" Hyunjin answered determined. "Almost all my friends, including me, are involved in the assassination business, so I really don't mind it" he explained.

"Okay, that's great! Then....why did you lock yourself up in your room?" Jeongin asked.

"I...I guess, it kinda broke the image I had of you. I always looked at you smiling and having a perfect life with a lot of friends, you were my ideal life. You had the life I wanted, and seeing you made me believe it was possible. But then I find out you have the same struggles as me, and not the perfect life as I thought at first" Hyunjin explained. He hadn't thought his words through, they had come from the bottom of his heart.

He was waiting for Jeongin to say something, but he never did. Instead, he started hearing small sobs coming from the young boy. Hyunjin quickly pulled him into his embrace.

"Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?" Hyunjin asked worriedly.

"It's just, no one has ever seen the 'imperfect' side of me before you guys. I guess finally being able to talk about it makes me a little emotional" he said. Hyunjin hugged him

"Shhh, it's all okay now" he reassured him.

Having the younger boy in his arms like this was a dream come true for Hyunjin. He had never imagined he'd ever be able to hold his long time crush in his arms like this.

"Do you wanna go downstairs and eat something?" Jeongin asked one they broke the hug.

"Yeah, sure!" Hyunjin answered, now finally in the mood to eat.


Seungmin was wandering around the house trying to find Jeongin. He had tried searching in his room, but he hadn't been there. He wanted to apologise for his rude behaviour and give Jeongin another chance just like Felix had told him to do.

He was walking around the first floor when he heard voices and loud laughs coming from the kitchen. Once he saw Hyunjin and Jeongin eating and laughing together without a worry in the world, his heart started to ache. Once again, he wasn't mad at Hyunjin or Jeongin, but at himself.

He was looking at them for quite a while through the half opened door, before he finally turned around and started walking away.

"Seungmin?" A voice called out to him from behind. He spun around to see Jeongin looking at him innocently. "Do you want join us?" he asked.

Seungmin didn't see why not, so he easily agreed. He sat down with the two others and they started talking. At first, Seungmin was hesitant at participating in their conversations, but after a few minutes, he found himself laughing along with the others so bad his stomach was hurting. They talked about nearly everything, and Seungmin started to feel comfortable with the two of them. Even Jeongin.

Throughout the conversations, Seungmin got to know Jeongin wasn't so bad. In fact, Jeongin was great. He was both adorable and sassy at the same time, never missing the chance to insult his hyungs. But Seungmin found that very cute. His smile was so genuine, and he made Seungmin and Hyunjin smile so easily.

They spoke for so long that the time was almost twelve when they stopped. They didn't stop because they wanted to, but rather because they got interrupted by the sound of the door opening. All three curiously looked up to see Chan, Changbin and Jisung entering the kitchen. They had just come back from training and they were probably looking for some late night snacks.

"Oh, hi Jeongin!" Chan said once he saw him sitting at the table along with Hyunjin and Seungmin. "Are you three getting along?" he asked, and the three boys nodded.

"Yup! These hyungs are so fun to mock!" Jeongin said with his huge smile, which made Changbin facepalm himself.

"Did you guys have a good time?" Seungmin asked the three boys that looked exhausted after training.

"Yeah! Actually, we had a hilarious time!" Jisung answered. "We were given a new mission today!" he said, and the room immediately tensed up. "Relax!" Jisung said once he saw the expressions of the others. "The mission was actually very funny! You see, we were ordered to assassinate Felix and Hyunjin haha!" Jisung said and started hysterically laughing. He soon realised no one was laughing along and awkwardly stopped.

"How is that funny?!" Hyunjin asked with dramatic movements. "Oh my god, I'm going to die!" He screamed and pretended as though he was fainting and Seungmin and Jeongin caught him right before he broke his neck. Everyone in the room simultaneously sighted.

"No one's gonna die" Chan said. "You know we would never kill you two. What Jisung was trying to say, is that you and Felix are lucky this mission got assigned to us and not anyone else. This will give us a lot of extra time."

"Ah." Hyunjin replied.

"So, who do we kill next?" Chan asked. "We should strike as soon as possible."

"How about Sungjin? He was really annoying" Hyunjin suggested.

Sungjin had been in charge of physical education during their assassination days, and he was the one who beat Felix the most. Hyunjin wanted to get rid of him fast.

"Meh, I wanna kill Wonpil first" Jisung said. "I want to spare Sungjin for last" he added. He was speaking with so much hate in his voice that it sent shivers through the other's backs.

"Why? Did he do something to you?" Seungmin asked, and Jisung's eyes instantly darkened.

"Yeah. He made me kill my best friend" he said. The room went completely silent. "I want him to see all his friends dying one by one before I finally kill him."

"Uhhh, okay. Let's kill him last. Uhhh...I'll go gather some information about Wonpil then" Seungmin said before quickly leaving the room.

"Yeah, let's go prepare" Chan told the others.

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