Intruder part 1

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^Stream this masterpiece y'all^

I'm so proud of his improvement :')

"What do you think you're doing, Jisung?" the teacher asked in a threatening tone. "You think this is a joke?!"

Jisung was scared. He looked around to see if any of the other kids or teachers would help him, but everyone was avoiding his and the mad teacher's gaze. They were all too scared to say or do anything. Jisung hadn't expected anything more from them though. They were all like that anyway, fake friends.

Jisung looked up to the teacher again.

"You had one task! All you had to do was kill a dog, yet you couldn't even do that much?!" the teacher screamed. "I had high hopes in you, Jisung. The final exams are coming up, and if we see that you're uncapable of killing a living person, you won't pass. No matter how outstanding your grades are, you can't be an assassin if you can't kill."

Jisung walked back to his room in silence and shame. Once he reached his bed, he burst out in tears. Tears that he had been holding on to for far too long.

The teacher's words resonated in his head. He really wanted to pass the program, but he just couldn't bring himself to take a life. It was the only thing holding him back.

"Jisung, are you okay?" a worried voice asked. Jisung turned around in is bed to face Yao Chen.

Yao Chen was his only roommate. They had been together for as long as they could remember, and they were basically inseparable. Everything they did, they did it together.

"Yeah, I'm alright. I just hit my head on the wall" Jisung lied while wiping off his tears. He didn't want his friend to worry. Yao Chen could see right trough the lie, but decided not to question Jisung any further.

"Okay then" he said very unconvinced. "I came here to tell you that the teacher wants us in the office right now" he explained. Jisung nodded and wiped off the remaining tears.

They walked their way to the teachers' building and knocked on the door to the office. The teacher opened the door.

"Ah, Han Jisung and Yao Chen. Come right in you two" the teacher said and opened the door wide to let them in. The two boys didn't know what to expect. Jisung thought that maybe the teacher wanted to scold him again, but then why was Yao Chen here with him?

They entered the familiar room. They had been there a few times before, but this time something seemed off. Something seemed different. The atmosphere was heavy and chill, like something horrible was happening.

"Stay there, both of you" the teacher said while pointing at the middle of the room, and the two boys did as told.

The teacher went to the desk and started searching for something. When Jisung and Yao Chen saw what the teacher had picked up, they were horrified. In the teacher's hands, there were two knives. Two real combat knives.

The teacher walked back to them and handed them a knife each. The two boys had a horrified look on their faces as they understood what was about to go down. They looked up to the teacher to see if this was a joke of some kind, but they saw no trace of amusement in their face. The teacher simply said:

"Fight to death. The winner is the surviving one, the loser is dead. If you refuse to fight, I'll kill not only both of you, but some of your dear classmates as well" they said. After that, the teacher left the office and locked the door, leaving the two boys alone to fight to death.

Jisung woke up abruptly with cold sweat running down his face. It had been a long time since he had that nightmare, and he was glad he woke up before things got worse. He looked over to his side, where he saw Minho still sleeping unbothered. 'How cute' Jisung thought to himself as he brushed a strand of hair off the older's face.

After 20 minutes of trying to fall asleep again, Jisung finally gave up. He got off the bed and left the room while making sure not to wake the sleeping beauty up. He walked his way to the kitchen where he grabbed a cup to fill it up with cold water, but just as he was about to turn on the spring, a noise coming from somewhere inside the house caught his attention.

Minho was currently sleeping so the one making the noise had to be Seungmin. 

"Seungmin?" he quietly called out. "Is that you?"

No response. He knew what he heard wasn't some random object falling. He was a 100 percent certain he heard a window close and someone walking quietly, like the person was trying to hide their presence.

Jisung quickly grabbed the closest weapon he could find, which was a medium sized kitchen knife, and started making his way to the staircase, since the sound had come from the second floor.

When Jisung reached the bottom of the staircase, he saw a shadow moving on the second floor. Judging by the height of the person, it was not Seungmin. Jisung wanted to shout at the person to show themselves, but he had watched enough horror movies to know that it was the dumbest move he could possibly make, so he kept quiet and started walking up the stairs.

The second floor was slightly more illuminated because of the bathroom light that was always on. That meant Jisung would be able to see the intruder better, but the intruder would also see him better. He had to be careful.

He walked away from the stairs and reached the long corridor. At the end of it, he could see the silhouette of the person. The intruder turned around to face him, but Jisung could still not see their face.

Any normal robber would run off if they saw a kid with a knife in the house they were trying to rob, so this person was definitely not here to just steal some valuable objects, in fact, it looked more like the intruder was searching for something specific. Or someone.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Jisung asked the intruder who was still in the shadows. 

"Are you Jisung?" a deep voice asked.

Jisung felt chills down his spine. The intruder knew his name, which could either mean they were here to kill him, or force information out of him. The wisest option would be to run since he didn't know if the intruder had a weapon or not, but Jisung being the little crackhead he is, decided to stay to uncover the person's identity and intentions.

"I asked you first" he replied more aggressively than he wanted it to sound. He almost got scared by his own intimidating voice.

The person stayed still for a moment, as if they were considering their options, and then they started walking towards Jisung and stopped a few meters in front of him, where the light could illuminate the person's face.

At first, Jisung couldn't recognize the person at all, but that was until he saw the bright red hair.

"Wait- Felix?!"

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