Distancing part 6

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Lee Know and J.One had been walking through the upper floors for quite some time without finding any hints as to where their missing friend was. The place was freezing and it didn't seem like the building was actually in construction, as they had seen no workers or staff even though it was a work day. It looked like they had left the building the day before and hadn't bothered to come back today.

While the other boys had been too preoccupied about finding their missing friend to truly observe their surroundings, Lee Know and J.One had discovered some quite unsettling things. Things that indicated that although they had come here at a random time of the day, the place looked as if someone was expecting them- probably Sungjin. The were no workers and no security, they had faced no trouble entering the unfinished building, and it even seemed like someone had been leading them here. Someone Lee Know had suspicions about.

Lee Know's instincts were screaming at him to leave the building as soon as possible, to run away as far as possible and to never come back. Everything felt completely wrong and out of place, sending shivers down his spine every time they rounded a corner.

"Lee Know, I don't feel safe here..." J.One mumbled underneath his cold breath. He was shivering slightly, and as a result was embracing himself.

"I agree, this whole place is too suspicious. It's not normal that there is no security in an ongoing  construction site. Let's warn the others and get out of here quickly" Lee Know said quietly like a whisper, afraid that someone was listening.

J.One grabbed his phone out of his pocket and called CB97 through his emergency contacts. A few loud beeping sounds lasting for several minutes revealed that no one was gonna pick up. 

"I...I think the connection is not functioning correctly" he said with a slightly scared face.

"What do you mean? It was working just fine before entering the building!" Lee know stated as he started feeling even more agitated than before. "Shit, this is really bad. Someone's probably messing with the signals!"

They threw a knowing look at each other, and the next moment they were both running down the slippery stairs at full speed.

What met them at the bottom was an unexpected sight. Whether it was reassuring or unsettling, was yet to be determined.


Felix had been in a trance for a few minutes, not really knowing what to do with himself. He started down at his now dead ex-teacher, and wondered whether it was good or bad that he felt no regret or remorse. The only thing that went through his mind at that moment was the intense surge of feelings that had flowed through him in that moment and made him pull the trigger.

Loud and quick steps of someone- multiple people- running down the staircase he was currently at the bottom of, broke him out of his trance. Without hesitation, he aimed the gun towards wherever the running people were and made himself ready to shoot at whoever was coming his way. When two familiar faces appeared in front of him, he quickly lowered his gun.

"J.One? Lee Know? Is everything okay?" Felix asked once he saw the worried faces of his two friends. They were both panting heavily from the run down the stairs, and they didn't even seem to notice the dead and bloody body casually lying on the stone floor in front of them.

"Felix!" Lee Know jumped at him and grabbed his arm, dragging him towards the door leading into the huge underground parking. "We need to get out of here right now- Wait- is that my gun!?" he said once he noticed the small handgun still resting in Felix's tiny hands.

"Umm... I mean, yeah?" he answered, but seeing the confused look on his hying's face, he decided to leave the conversation for later. It seemed that they had more important stuff going on in that instant. "I'll explain later" he said, dismissing Lee know's curiosity.

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