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"So, where are we going?" Jisung asked Minho once they were in the car. They had both woken up early this Saturday for Minho's mission.

"We're going to the Seoul. The guy I'm supposed to kill is a big shot CEO, and he always works even on Saturdays. It's the day and time when there are the least employees in the building" he explained professionally.

"Ahh okay. But will we even get the time to 'hang out' at all?" Jisung asked. He had been very happy when Minho came to his room and asked if they could hang out, but this was a little different then what he had imagined.

"Yeah, of course! We'll be together the entire time!" he replied, being clueless as to what was bothering Jisung.

The traffic lights turned red and Minho stopped the car. He took this opportunity to steal a glance at Jisung, who looked like he was pouting.

"Aww you look so cute when you pout!" he said as he pinched the younger's quokka cheeks. "Are you mad?" he asked in a cooing voice.


"Ahh, I know what's wrong! You're disappointed because you wanted your first date to be normal!" Minho teased Jisung.

The little squirrel boy's cheeks immediately turned into a deep red shade and jisung turned towards Minho with big round eyes.

"Hy- hyung! You- you can't say stuff like that!" he whisper yelled as if someone would hear them, even though they were the only car on the whole road.

"But you're so cute when you're flustered~"

Jisung didn't dare look at Minho for the rest of the car ride in case he would notice his constant blush that wouldn't fade away.

It annoyed him that Minho had so much power over him, when he was just playing. For Minho, saying something like that was probably nothing, and he probably thought it was funny too. But for Jisung, those words made his mind instantly go blank. He knew he had to get rid of his crush on the older. That, and fast. Before their friendship got ruined.

At the building

"Are you gonna kill him right away or are you supposed to extract some kind of information first?" Jisung asked Minho who was holding a knife against the CEO's throat.

It hadn't taken them long to secretly enter the building, deactivate the camera footage and make their way to the CEO's office, where they had attached the poor guy to a chair with a cloth in his mouth. He was in total panic, but only muffled screams could leave his mouth.

This was just another day to day mission after all.

"Nah, I just have to get rid of him" Minho replied.

He was just about to slice the guy's throat, when a 'pling' could be heard in the silent office.

Minho stepped away from the CEO and put his knife away. Then, he took up his phone which had been the cause of the sound.

"I thought I told them I was busy now" he mumbled to himself, but as he saw what the notification was for, he almost chocked on air.

"OH MY GOD! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Minho suddenly started screaming and jumping around the office like some kind of crazy fan girl. Jisung, who was very concerned, approached him.

"Hyung, is everything okay?" he asked worriedly.

"Jisung! You'll not believe this, but 3racha is having a comeback! IN ONE MONTH!" he said before he continued jumping around the office once again.

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