Distancing part 1

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Present day
(This is the day after Jisung and Minho got together and Hyunjin and Jeongin had their first kiss, that Seungmin sadly witnessed)

Jisung woke up with an embarrassed face. It had taken him some time to asses the situation he was in, and once he did, his cheeks turned red. At first, he had been confused at whose room he was in, but then he remembered yesterday's events. The arms that were tightly embracing him from behind only confirmed the fact that it had not been a dream.

He immediately tried getting out of the soft bed, but to no avail. He was stuck in Minho's grip, and there was no way he could get out without waking the older up. It wasn't the first time him and Minho had cuddled all night, but it was certainly the first time Jisung woke up with a hand resting on his abs, underneath his shirt.

He slowly tried moving the hand away, but then he felt the older starting to move behind him, which resulted in Jisung giving up and Minho only tightening his grip even further. Now, Jisung could feel his breath on his fluffy hair.

"Hmmm" he heard Minho mumbling behind him.

"Oh sorry, did I wake you up?" Jisung softly asked, trying to hide his panic.

"You we're trying to escape, weren't you, baby?" Minho asked with a low morning voice, which sent shivers through Jisung's entire body. And the fact that he couldn't see his face only made it more intense.

He slowly turned around to face his now awake boyfriend.

"I wasn't! I just, your hand was...you know..." Jisung was too embarrassed to finish his sentence.

"You didn't like me holding your abs?" Minho asked with a slight smirk.

"No! No- I...I didn't mind..." the younger answered in a tiny voice, kinda hoping that his boyfriend hadn't heard him.

The two stayed in that position for a few more minutes, before they both cringed at Jisung's stomach loudly grumbling.

"Are you hungry?" Minho suddenly asked as he got out the bed.

"Yeah! I want pancakes!" Jisung excitedly replied as he too got out of the warm bed.


Hyunjin had never slept so good. Having Jeongin tightly embraced in his arms made him feel so calm and safe.

Ever since Hyunjin saw Jeongin for the first time, he knew he wanted to protect and love the boy forever. Even after learning about Jeongin's bipolar disorder, when Jeongin had thought that he would hate him, Hyunjin's determination to protect the younger had only grown stronger. And now, his one dream was come true. He could officially call Jeongin his boyfriend.

He tried reaching for his phone without moving too much so he wouldn't wake up his sleeping boyfriend. They had fallen asleep in each other's arms, and now their feet were tangled together.

"Hmmm, hyung" he heard the now awake boy say with a raspy morning voice.

"Shhh. You can go back to sleep if you want to" Hyunjin replied quietly, grabbing the covers and dragging them up.

"No, it's fine" the younger replied. "What time is it?" he asked.

Hyunjin finally managed to grab his phone.

"7:30. Wanna go eat?" the older asked.

"Hmm yeah."


"Hey, Seungmin, are you alright?" Jisung asked his best friend with a concerned voice.

Jisung and Minho had spent a great morning together so far, with cuddles and pancakes. But the vibe changed entirely once Seungmin entered the kitchen.

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