Party part 1

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"What do you mean?" Felix asked.

"Well, you remember that time a few weeks ago when he got a phone call and then left the apartment without even saying where he was going? The same evening when we found the weapons in his room" Hyunjin asked, and Felix nodded to show he was following. "Well, I actually saw the name of the caller. I think it might have been his friend" he explained.

The three other boys were looking hopefully at him, waiting for Hyunjin to reveal the name he saw.

"The name was Seungmin" he revealed.

The room went silent. Felix and Hyunjin were confused as to why Chan and Changbin looked like they knew who this 'Seungmin' was. Chan noticed their confused faces, and gave them the explanation.

"That night when Jisung was kidnapped, we were actually on a mission. That's why we were at that concert" Chan said. "Jisung was supposed to kill someone named 'Hae Seungmin', but we found out too late that this person doesn't exist. It was probably a hacker or something. The point is, Jisung was set up by Lee Know and a hacker working with him. That also explains the lacking information about your dance team."

"So basically: Lee Know's friend, Seungmin, might be that hacker working with him" Changbin concluded.  "That's why it would also make sense that lee Know is keeping Jisung in Seungmin's house" he added. The others agreed.

"So now we need to figure out where Seungmin lives then" Felix said. "Do you guys by any chance know the name of the assassination company they work at?" he asked the two older.

"Yeah, we found out through the company's records that they're agents in Girin. It's a small company with few assassins, but they treat their agents well and train them well too. They usually take requests from other companies" Chan explained. "We can probably find their address in Girin's records."

"How in the world are we gonna get access to that?!" Changbin questioned. A company's agent record is top secret and is the most protected document in an assassination company. It's so well protected that even a master hacker would have a hard time finding it. Felix and Hyunjin shared a look.

"I think you can leave that to us" Hyunjin said with a slight smirk. Chan and Changbin didn't know whether to be scared or not.


Later that day

Hyunjin was all dressed up in a dark red suit, Chan was wearing a tight-fitting black collar shirt along with dark pants, Changbin was wearing a plain black shirt paired with a bunch of chains and Felix was wearing a plain black hoodie, jacket, and trousers. They couldn't waste any time. Tonight, Jackson Wang had invited a lot of people from the assassination industry for a night of party and gambling. The leader of Girin assassination, Jay Park, would be there. This was their chance to gain access to the company's agent records. Everyone would be drunk, and the security would be sloppy because no one outside the invited guests knew about this event.

Luckily, Chan had been invited since he is the heir to JYPE and TWICE assassination. He had been allowed to bring two guests with him, which meant Hyunjin and Changbin. Felix would be right outside observing the guests and making sure everything as going well.

Hyunjin was the key in this mission. In fact, the others didn't really need to assist him in any way, but having them there would make the mission a lot safer.

At 11 pm, a black limo came to get them. On their way there, they went through the plan one last time and made sure all the details were in place. They dropped off Felix a little before the final destination to so that no one from the party would see the freckled spy.

The car stopped in front of the building few minutes later. The building was well secluded so that no one could find it without knowing the address. It was a beautiful and huge manor with giant fountains that surrounded the entrance. Hyunjin had never seen a place that beautiful before, and he sighed in awe. 

Their driver opened the door for them, and the three boys went out. Hyunjin was wearing sunglasses. Although it looked suspicious, he couldn't risk getting recognized by anyone. Felix and Hyunjin were still on the run from TWICE and if anyone recognized Hyunjin here, it could be the end for them. This mission was a big risk, but it was a risk they were willing to take.

Once they entered the door, they were greeted by Jackson himself.

"Channie! How have you been kid?" he asked. Chan smiled politely at his old friend.

"Good, hyung!" he replied. He couldn't disclose any information about their missing friend in case someone was listening. "But I'm a grown man now."

"Yeah yeah. You're forever a kid in my heart. Who have you brought with you?" Jackson asked and pointed at the two other boys who were standing behind Chan. "I know Changbin of course, but who's the other kid?"

Great. One minute in and someone was already questioning Hyunjin on his identity. Luckily, they had prepared for a situation like this.

"I'm Sam" Hyunjin introduced himself. "I'm a close friend to Chan and we're working on a mission together, so he invited me to join. I'm glad I could come" he lied politely and gave a smile to the Jackson, who replied with a smile.

"No no. I should thank you for coming, Sam. The more the merrier!" he said. "Well, you'll have to excuse me. I have other guests I need to welcome. Enjoy the night!"

The three boys bowed politely and thanked him. They went to the main hall where the other guests were playing games, talking, or drinking.

Meanwhile, Felix was running on his way to the place. He used the forest to stay hidden and made sure to not use any obvious paths. He arrived at the building not even ten minutes after the others and he quickly found a good place to hide with a view of the entrance.

In the main hall, the three boys had spotted Jay Park talking with a few other men, but they all agreed to not approach him right away as that would cause suspicion. Instead, they went to meddle with the other guests. 

Later that night, Changbin and Hyunjin were getting bored as Chan had been talking do his friend BamBam for almost an hour. After a while, they left the older with his friend to get something to eat or drink. On their way there, Changbin found his friend Wooyoung. Hyunjin didn't want to bother them, so he just continued making his way to the buffet table.

He was just about to grab a plate, when he felt someone grab his wrist. He immediately turned around expecting to see Chan or Changbin, but instead, he saw a face he never wanted to see again. His sister.

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