The revenge part 2

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When Minho heard the younger's words, he managed to gain some control and suppress his killing instinct a little. He lowered his gun. He wasn't completely in control, but he was able to think more rationally.

He also really enjoyed being with Jisung, he couldn't lie about that anymore. At the concert was the first time he didn't kill his target. At first, he thought it was because he wanted to put him through more pain, but he quickly figured that was not the case. Over the last few days, he got a lot closer to the younger and he wanted to protect him at all cost. He didn't want anything to happen to him, yet now he was close to killing Jisung himself.

Jisung made Minho happy like no one else could. He made him feel normal and loved. His cuddles always calmed him down and his presence in itself was a blessing for Minho. He just wanted to shower Jisung with kisses, cuddles and love, but he hadn't allowed himself to because of his plan for revenge.

His killing instinct was slowly fading away as he regained control of his thoughts and emotions.

"Hyung, are you alright?" Jisung asked with concern in his voice.

At first, Minho didn't understand what he meant, but then, he noticed his vision had gotten blurry. He reached up to his eye and felt a warm and big tear ready to fall down his chin. He was crying, and he hadn't even noticed.

"I- I don't know?" he replied confused. He hadn't cried ever since the death of his mother.

Jisung took a step closer to him and held his hand.

"I want you to kill me because I want you to be happy, hyung. If my death makes you happy, I'm happy too. But if killing me makes you cry, I don't want to die" Jisung said with his soft voice while staring deep into Minho's eyes, just like they had done the night at the concert.

Minho looked down to avoid the younger's gaze. These words changed something deep within him. Would killing Jisung really make him happy? Would revenging his mother make everything better?

"All my life, I thought killing you was the answer to making everything better" Minho replied. "I thought it was the only way." He looked Jisung straight in the eyes again. "But you've proved me wrong, Jisung. Being with you makes me the happiest I've ever been, and I can't imagine being happy without you by my side" he confidently said.

The killing instinct was now completely gone, and his emotions were coming back to him quickly, making him cry even more. He immediately dropped the gun to the ground. Jisung hugged him tightly, and Minho replied the hug. The squirrel boy started stroking his fingers through the older's hair while whispering calming words to him. Shortly after, Jisung also let out his tears due to the overwhelming emotions he had just experienced.

They stood there hugging for a long time, while the sun was rising at the horizon, slowly filling the sky with yellow, orange, and red colours.

"We should go back home" Minho said. "Seungmin is probably worried as to what happened."

Jisung nodded. "I'm tired" he said. Minho smiled, hugging him tighter while patting his fluffy hair.

"You can sleep in the car" he said, and Jisung nodded. 

It was weird that Jisung was referring to Seungmin's house as 'home', considering it was the place he had been held captive these last few days. In that house, Jisung had experienced a lot of emotions he didn't even know existed, and it was also the place where he had made two new great friends that he now cherished a lot.


The ride back was way more comfortable then the last, but they still didn't speak to each other since Jisung was half asleep and Minho didn't want to bother the cute sleeping squirrel.

Seungmin was waiting for them in the house. He knew that Minho wouldn't actually kill Jisung, so he had stayed awake to wait for them to come back. He had prepared some breakfast for them since they were all exhausted after a hard night.

"I'm glad you're alive, Jisung. You and Minho hyung are my only friends and I don't know what I would do without one of you" Seungmin said while finishing his bread. Jisung smiled.

"I'm glad I'm alive too. I get to spend more time with both of you" he said.

It was his first time saying something like that. Jisung has always felt like he was a burden to his friends, so he didn't make any. He was used to thinking that he was making life hard for Chan and Changbin and that it wouldn't matter if he was gone, but Seungmin and Minho made him realise that he was loved and wanted.

After they were done, Seungmin went back to his room to sleep some more.  Minho and Jisung did the same, and they fell asleep in each other's arms. None of them woke up before it was time for lunch.


Later that day, still in Seungmin's house

"So, what are we gonna do now?" Seungmin asked the other two who were silently eating their meal.

They knew this question would eventually come, but no one had asked it because no one was ready to answer it. Minho sighed.

"Well, Jisung definitely needs to go back home to his hyungs" Minho said while facing the squirrel boy. Seungmin nodded in agreement.

"That's definitely the best option" he said, although it pained him a lot. He didn't want Jisung to leave and neither did Minho. But while Seungmin and Minho were sad, Jisung was even more broken.

"Jisung, are you okay with that?" Minho asked, noticing the younger's strange behaviour.

"I-I don't want to leave" Jisung admitted with a broken voice. He was looking down at his feet. "I'm scared to face them. I'm scared they'll hate me. And also I don't want to leave you guys!" he said with teary eyes. Minho grabbed the younger's hand and lift up his chin to face him.

"Jisung, I know you miss your hyungs a lot, and I know they miss you just as much. You're no burden to them. And as for us, you're welcome in this house anytime you want, right Seungmin?" Minho looked over at the pink haired boy who replied with a happy yes. "Just consider this as your second home! We'll even give you access to the door so you can come anytime you want. How does that sound?" Minho asked with his gentle voice. Jisung smiled happily at them.

"I'd love that" he answered sweetly.

"Ah, and also!" Seungmin interrupted. Minho and Jisung shot their heads to him. "Jisung, you have to promise not to tell ANYONE about our identities. We could get into some serious trouble if the wrong people get access to that information. Please don't even tell your teammates or your company."

"Of course! You can trust me, I'll bever put you two at risk!" Jisung promised.

They continued discussing, and decided that it was best if Jisung left the day after, so that they could properly prepare themselves.

They had made a cover story about Jisung getting ill and kidnapped by some bad people. They drugged him so he couldn't escape, but luckily, he managed to get away somehow. The story was very lacking and stupid, but all of them were tired and didn't bother to make it more advanced since no one was going to believe it anyway. It was just a story so that Jisung could write something on his update to his company.

After that, Minho used suction cups on Jisung's skin to make fake bruises. They looked obviously fake at first, but after a few hours of trial and error, they managed to make a few 'bruises' appear on his arms and face.

Minho had tried to convince Jisung to take off his shirt so they could make some on his stomach and back, but for some reason Jisung didn't agree no matter what Minho said. This made the older feel a little insulted, like Jisung was too uncomfortable around him to show him his bare upper body, but he soon forgot about it.

That night, Jisung fell asleep with his face buried into Minho's chest. The night started peaceful and calm, but it was soon about to get busy...


(A/N) Just to clear things up, Minsung did not directly confess to each other. They will do it soon though. In this part they simply revealed that they are very good 'friends'.

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