J.One part 1

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The big table was as lively as usual, with five high school kids shouting and screaming and three composed hyungs just trying to enjoy their breakfast.

"I have something to tell you guys!" Seungmin excitedly announced once the volume had settled down a bit. "Me and Jisung have actually been working on this song cover together, and we've decided to release it today!"

The other six boys around the table were very excited to hear this.

"Omg really??? That sounds legendary!" Felix said with anticipation. "What time?"

"At 8 pm, so everyone should be at home by that time!" Jisung explained.

"Let's all watch it together then!" Hyunjin suggested and the others were quick to agree.

"Wait, are you guys even allowed to do this? I'm pretty sure JYP entertainment has some strict rules regarding their trainees" Minho commented.

"Yeah, honestly I'm not allowed to do this but they'll be too scared to punish me anyway" Jisung said with arrogance. "And technically Seungmin isn't an official trainee until he signs the contract and starts training, which is in two days. Until then he doesn't have to follow any rules" Jisung continued explaining. Minho huffed at his exaggerated confidence.

Jisung still hadn't talked to Minho since they parted ways last night, and he really hoped that his and Seungmin's plan was going to work.


Minho couldn't deny the fact that he was overly excited no matter how many times he tried to find excuses. He was extremely excited to hear Jisung's singing voice. The younger had repeatedly refused to ever sing for Minho, and without giving him an explanation. Jisung had seen him dance and sing a bunch of times, so why didn't he want Minho to hear his voice too?

"...ow! Lee know!"

The assassin realised that he had been caught up in his thoughts and quickly let go of the poor girl that was choking underneath his hold.

He had been in the middle of training one to one hand combat and he had defeated his opponent a while ago, yet had completely forgotten to let go of her.

"What's up with you these days minho?" Ryujin asked as she rubbed her poor neck. "You're constantly blacking out and staring into thin air. Got something on your mind?" she asked concerned.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that" Minho replied, thinking about the numerous times his complicated relationship with Jisung had distracted him from practice.

Him and Ryujin grabbed their water bottles and let the next partners take the fighting square.

"So, are you like in love or something?" Ryujin suddenly asked, and Minho chocked on his water so much that it came pouring through his nose.

The girl started patting his back while hysterically laughing at her partner's reaction.

"I guess you are then!" She concluded.

After a few minutes Minho finally got his breathing back to normal and Ryujin to stop laughing.

"Yeah, I am" he shyly replied. He was often seen as a emotionless killer in the assassination world, so admitting to it to a fellow assassin was more embarrassing for him than he could've imagined.

But the fact that it was Ryujin made him relax a lot. Ryujin was his regular fighting partner and he considered her a real friend even though they didn't know each other outside of work.

"Sooo, tell me about him! Is he cute? Or is he daddy material?" She asked while making dramatic changes to her voice.

Minho had to hold himself back from choking once again.

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