Spy part 4

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The day was finally here. Today, they would announce all the kids who had passed the program and would get to go on missions. They had all been preparing for this moment for as long as they could remember, and Felix was extremely nervous. He knew that Hyunjin would pass, but if he himself didn't, that would mean they would get separated and he would have to go back to the orphanage.

"Okay everyone quiet down please!" the teacher said through the microphone to the two hundred children sitting in the big room excitedly waiting for the results. Some were trying to guess who had passed, while others were praying for themselves and their friends. Felix noticed Dahyun smiling reassuringly to him from the other side of the room, where the teachers were all standing. He nervously smiled back.

"I will now announce the results" the teacher said once the room was totally quiet. "The children who passed are the following:

- Shin Ryujin

- Jia Hanyu

- He Xinlong

- Yang Jeongin

- Hanabashi Rio

- Oe Riku

- Hwang Yeji"

Yeji was Hyunjin's biological sister, and he let out a relieved sight when he heard his sister's name. The two of them weren't that close as they rarely had any training together, but they still meant a lot to each other considering that they were twins. The teacher continued:


- Yamaguchi Mako

- Ren Shuyang

- Lee Chaeryeong

- Han Jisung

- Arai Ayaka

- Nina Makino-Hillman

- Gou Mingrui"

The list was getting shorter and shorter, and so were the two boy's chances of passing.


- Shin Yuna

- Hwang Hyunjin"

They both smiled excitedly as they heard Hyunjin's name. Felix was very proud of his friend for passing, but another feeling came and washed the positive ones away. His name had still not been announced, and they were nearing the end of the list.


- Choi Jisu

- Suzuno Miihi

- Yokoi Rima

- Yu Zeyu

- Ogou Mayuka

- Li Zihao

- Katsumura Maya"

The teacher stopped talking, and Felix's heart was crushed. His name had not been announced. He had failed, or so he thought.

"And finally: Lee Felix" the teacher said, then put the papers back down. "That's all. You will get instructions on what to do soon." The teacher left the scene, leaving the children speechless. As soon as everyone had taken in what had happened, the loud chattering started.

"Felix passed?!" a kid said not so quietly.

"What? The other ones were expected, but Lee Felix? Really?" The kids who said that sounded almost disgusted.

"But he sucks at like, everything. How did he pass?"

"He probably cheated!" one kid said, and the others started agreeing.

"He must've used his body to bribe the judges. That's the only good thing he has"

Felix was nervously fidgeting with his fingers and looking down, pretending like he couldn't hear the horrible comments being said. Hyunjin on the other hand, was trying hard to contain himself so he wouldn't end up killing one of them. But at the next comment, something in him took fire.

"He's nothing but a useless kid. He's too kind to be an assassin. He should just stay in bed where he belongs! Sucking dicks and showing off his butt hole!"

That was it for Hyunjin. He abruptly stood up and started making his way to the stupid kid who had said that, while making sure everyone noticed his furious gaze. Felix didn't even try stopping him.

That day, Hyunjin killed his first victim. The consequences for killing his own classmate in front of everyone: none. He only got praise.


Present day

Hyunjin abruptly woke up sweating. It had been a long time since he had dreamt about their past, which he had tried so hard to forget. Felix was still sleeping soundly beside him on the bed.

Hyunjin thought about the dream he just had. Some of these memories, he didn't even know he still had. He had almost completely forgot about his sister, Yeji, who he abandoned when he had escaped the agency with Felix, and suddenly felt a wave of shame and guilt. At first, he had blocked out the memories of his sister because they would be too painful knowing he had abandoned her in that place, but he also didn't want to contact her in case the company would find out and track him down. Now he was intrigued to know how she was doing.

"Jinnie, are you alright?" he turned around to see Felix half awake. He smiled at the familiar nickname. "I'm okay" he said and gave the younger a reassuring smile. "It was just a bad dream."

Felix knew what he meant with 'bad dream'. Hyunjin used to have those all the time when they first escaped the company, but they had slowly faded away over time. He pulled the older into a hug.

"Can we skip school today?" he asked the older who started chuckling lightly. "It's Sunday Felix. We don't have school" he said and made the younger embarrassed. "Too bad. You won't be able to see your crush then" Felix said to tease the older as revenge. Hyunjin immediately turned bright red.

"You know about that?" he asked with a weak voice. "How could I not! Have you seen the way you stare at him? His name is Yang Jeongin, right?" Felix said teasingly. Hyunjin felt uncomfortable shivers down his spine when he heard the name out loud. It sounded familiar, but not in the way he expected. He felt as though he had heard that name before. Long ago. But he just couldn't pinpoint when.

He shook the weird feeling off and got off the bed to get ready for the day to come. He had some business to take care of with a certain Seo Changbin. And it was no fun business for the man who had broken Felix's heart. 

"Jinnie" Felix called out as he saw his friend leaving. He knew what he was about to do, but he didn't feel like stopping him. "There is something you should know before you go." Hyunjin turned areound to face him, and waited for him to continue.

"I found something else in the apartment" he started explaining. "They are searching for Jisung, and they know that Minho hyung is connected to the incident. They don't know his face or his name though, only that his stage name is Lee Know and that he is in danceracha. If Changbin and his friend, Chan, find out that we're in Dancercha along with Lee Know, they're also gonna start investigating us." 

"What do you want to do then, Felix?" Hyunjin asked as he understood the situation. 

"I want all four of us to reveal our secrets and find Minho hyung and Han Jisung together" Felix said determined. Hyunjin nodded. 

"I'll say only the nessecary then" he said before leaving the room. 

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