The revenge part 1

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Minho woke up in the middle of the night, sweating and hot. But surprisingly, he didn't feel as sick anymore. He checked the clock and saw it was almost 4 in the morning, which meant he had been sleeping for almost 10 hours. He looked over to his right where Jisung was sleeping like an innocent squirrel.

Jisung confused Minho so much. He had said such horrible things to him the day earlier in hope that he would leave him, yet here he was, sleeping in the same bed as Minho as if he had forgotten everything that happened.

The younger started moving in his sleep and Minho panicked, thinking he had woken him up.

"Minho hyung?" Jisung asked in a deep and raspy sleepy voice. He turned around to face the older.

"You should go back to sleep, Jisung. It's still night" he said.

"Hmm, okay. But can I say something first? I didn't get to tell you before sine you were sleeping when I came back" he asked. Minho hummed.


"I just want to tell you that...I know you want to kill me..."Jisung said, and Minho froze. "...and I don't mind if you kill me."

Minho was speechless. He had told Jisung his name so that the younger would stay away from him, but now Jisung was telling him to kill him? He got a flashback to the day at the concert, where he had seen Jisung lifeless eyes who didn't care if he died. Minho had hoped that Jisung had gotten better these last days, but apparently not. Did Jisung not value his life at all?

But while a part of Minho felt bad for Jisung, another wanted to kill him right this instant. There was a part of him that wanted nothing but to kill the younger boy and complete his revenge. Minho feared that part of him. It was an instinct he had no control over, and this instinct was now taking over his thoughts.

Minho couldn't hold it back anymore. He grabbed Jisung by the arm and exited the room. Jisung didn't resist at all.

"Wait here" he told Jisung once they were in the living room. Minho went to Seungmin's room where he was peacefully sleeping. He didn't bother to knock at the door.

"Seungmin, wake up." Minho said as he shook the boy slightly. Seungmin grunted.

"What is it?" he asked in an annoyed tone.

"I need you to open the door" Minho answered.


"What? Do you want a dead body in your house?" Minho replied in a serious tone. Now Seungmin was completely awake. He had a shocked face.

"Are you doing it?" he asked, referring to killing Jisung. Minho nodded.

"Yeah. Of course."

To say Seungmin was shocked was an understatement. He couldn't believe the words that left the older's mouth. These last days, Minho had always been around Jisung and Seungmin was almost a hundred percent certain that he liked the younger, but was he all wrong?

"Hyung, are you sure?" he asked worriedly. He could see that Minho's killing instinct had taken over his thoughts. The older didn't reply. Instead, Seungmin could see some sadness in his eyes. He sighed. He knew what was going on, and he trusted that Minho would snap out of it and make the right decision.

Ever since the death of his mother, Minho had developed another side of himself. Not a different personality, but more a killing instinct that he had no control over. Whenever he went on missions, this instinct surfaced and basically controlled his actions. But usually, it didn't come out unless he wanted it to. This time was different.

"Alright. Give me a minute" he said and went to his computer to deactivate the security system and open the doors.


The silence was heavy, and the tension was almost unbearable. Minho was driving his car at a fast speed, and Jisung was sitting beside him just looking out the window with a sad look on his face. In Minho's pocket, there was a small handgun that he had grabbed before leading Jisung into the car. Jisung didn't know exactly where they were going, but he knew that they were driving to a place where Minho could kill him and hide his body.

He wasn't scared. He had prepared himself for this moment, the moment he would die. But Jisung was sad. He knew he liked the older a lot, no matter if he wanted to kill him or not. It made him sad that this was the only way Minho could maybe forgive him for the ruining his life. Jisung wanted to tell him his feelings, but he was scared it would make things worse.

Jisung started to think about Chan and Changbin, he wouldn't even get the chance to say bye to them. They were his family, so Jisung regretted not being able to see them one last time. But at the same time, this was maybe better for all of them. Jisung knew ho heart broken and lost his two hyungs must be since he got kidnapped, but it was easier to say goodbye this way. He wouldn't even have had the courage to face them if he had the chance to.

Before they had left, Jisung and Seungmin had hugged and bid their goodbyes. They didn't say a lot, but this was enough for Jisung, to know he had a friend who cared.

Jisung hated himself. He hated himself for causing trouble for Chan, Changbin and Seungmin. He hated himself so bad for the things he did to Minho, and dying was the only correct punishment for him.

The car stopped after more than an hour of driving in silence. Jisung got out of the car and looked around. They were at a small beach, the perfect place to kill someone. The place was far away from any houses which meant no one would hear the gunshots, and it was also easy to hide the body underneath the water surface or underneath the sand, where it would slowly decompose. The sky was still very dark, but he could see the sun slowly rising in the horizon. Minho started walking towards the sea, and Jisung followed. They stopped just before reaching the water.

"Are you sure about this?" Minho asked in a cold tone. It didn't sound like he cared what Jisung's answer was.

"Yeah. I'm sure. I ruined your life, and this punishment is only fair" Jisung answered while holding back his tears.

"Alright then" Minho said as he pulled out his gun and aimed it at Jisung's head, ready to shoot at any moment.

"Can I say something first?" Jisung asked.

"Sure, we got all the time we need" the older replied, still holding the gun up.

"Well, basically I just wanted to say that...umm...I'm really grateful for the time we spent together. It may have been just a few days, but you made me very happy, even though you hated having me around. But that's alright, because I got to see you dance and everything! I really like it when you dance, hyung, and I wish I could have seen more" Jisung said, now with tears running down his face. "Yeah, that's it. Oh, and also like I said the first time, tell my teammates I love them" he said while forcing a smile and wiping off his tears. Minho had a slightly confused face.

"You enjoyed being with your kidnapper?" he questioned.

"Umm yeah? Not in a weird way or anything, I just think you are truly a wonderful person and you made me happy even though you just wanted to kill me" Jisung explained.

He could see the older was very confused. Minho's expression softened, and he lowered his gun slightly. It was now pointing at the sand. It was now Jisung's turn to be confused at his action.

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