Intruder part 3

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Seungmin, Minho and Jisung were eating their breakfast in peace. The TV was on, but none of them were really interested in knowing what Justin Bieber was up to these days.

After waking up Seungmin to tell him about Felix, he immediately checked the camera footage. They discovered that Felix had entered the very protected house through one of the small windows on the second floor. How he managed to deactivate the security system on that window, was still a mystery.

Seungmin took a loud sip of his morning coffee and then slammed the cup on the innocent table.

"This is annoying me" he stated. Jisung and Minho exchanged looks. "Some random guy I barely knew anything about managed to not only find this house, Jisung's location and about the kidnapping, but he also broke into this house. The house that I myself  build the entire security system for." Seungmin was clearly annoyed with himself and felt defeated. "He even said he'd be back?! Does he really think I'll allow him to break into my house again? Does he think he can still manage to beat me?!" he screamed.

"Seungmin... please calm down. It's early in the morning" Minho told the annoyed puppy.

Seungmin got very easily mad, but it usually would only last for a few minutes at most. He sighted.

"Sorry" he mumbled, defeated. He stood up and grabbed the dirty dishes. "I'll go wash these."

Jisung also got up. "I think I'll go take a shower" he said, but Minho hesitated.

"I don't think we should be separated. Felix said he'll be back and I don't want you to end up in a situation with him alone again. We don't know what his intentions are" Minho explained.

Although it hurt Minho to say such things, it was the truth. He thought he knew Felix well since they had been together for so long that they were basically brothers, but this night ruined everything he thought he knew about the younger.

"What, you wanna go in the shower with me then?" Jisung said in a seductive tone. It was just a joke to tease the older a little bit, so he didn't expect Minho to blush that badly at his comment.

"I- I uhhh...never mind then. You can shower and I'll wait for you outside of the bathroom, alright?" Minho asked, trying to hide his flustered state.

They both went upstairs and started searching for clothes for Jisung to wear. Meanwhile, Jisung felt very satisfied with the effect his seductive joke had on Minho. He had never seen him blush that bad before, and so he told himself that from now on, teasing Minho would be his favourite hobby.

Jisung was just about to enter the bathroom, when the floor started shaking violently, accompanied by a loud sound of an explosion. He tried to keep his balance, but failed miserably and fell right on top of Minho who was standing right next to him.

The shaking ended as fast as it started, and silence fell around them. Both Jisung and Minho couldn't do anything but to stare into each other's beautiful eyes once again, just like the night at the concert. The situation felt awkward, but safe at the same time. Jisung felt his heartrate increase and he desperately hoped that Minho wouldn't notice it. The few seconds that felt like an eternity were soon interrupted when they heard a scream coming from downstairs.

They got up at once and ran downstairs as fast as they could. Minho didn't forget to grab a weapon from the weapon room which was on the way to the staircase, before running down the stairs faster than Changbin can rap.

Once they reached the first floor, they heard another scream coming from the living room.

"AHHHHH!!! MINHO HELP MEEEEE!!!!" they heard Seungmin scream. They gave each other one last look before running to where the voice came from. When they reached the scene, both of their mouths fell open wide.

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