Small crush

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Seungmin's house

The day had gone by fast for the kidnap trio. Seungmin had spent his day in his room on his computer, either hacking or watching cute dog videos, pranks and fails. His laugh would be heard throughout the entire house when he saw someone getting badly hurt in a prank gone wrong compilation.

He had gone downstairs once after lunch to practice his singing in the studio, but other than that, his day had been very chill and not far from his normal ones. He didn't go to school since he was getting an education through the assassination agency.

For Minho, this day had been everything but 'normal'. In the morning, he would usually go for a run, but now, he couldn't even leave the house. Then, he would always go to the agency for practice, but he had also missed that. After eating lunch with Seungmin, he would either have the day off, or practice his dancing either solo or with Danceracha once Felix and Hyunjin were done with school, which had obviously been impossible too.

He started thinking about the two younger crackheads. Although it had only been a day, he already missed them and their cute pranks a lot. He wondered if they were searching for him right now. If he could freely use his phone, he would've sent them a message to tell them he was okay, and that they didn't need to worry.

He was laying on the sofa while reading a book and listening to music on an old player. He didn't know why, but Jisung had stuck to him all day, not giving him a single break. Minho thought it was a little cute, but he didn't like it because he knew that the more time he spent with Jisung, the harder it would be to kill him. Yet he couldn't help but love the youngers presence.

It was weird to think that they both felt comfortable around each other, especially knowing the fact that Minho was his kidnapper and that Jisung was a merciless assassin who had killed his mother. He felt sad for the poor boy. Was he really that much in need of affection? Minho let out a sight.

Jisung was currently cuddled up to him. He wasn't asleep, just not doing anything. They had both been in this comfortable position for a little more than two hours in silence, before Jisung spoke up.

"What are you listening to?" he asked. Minho turned his head to see the younger looking at him with round, innocent eyes. Minho took out an earpiece and handed it to him.

"It's 'Wish you back' by J.One" Minho said, excited to talk about his favourite artist. "You've probably heard about him. He's an amazing rapper and singer and I love his music. He's my favourite artist of all time along with his group, 3racha!" the older explained. Jisung nodded happily and they went back to listening to the music.

Minho pulled Jisung tighter in his embrace. 'Look what you're doing to me, Han Jisung. Making me all soft like that'.

He had so many conflicting thoughts in his head about Jisung, but every time they came up, he would simply ignore them. For now, he wouldn't overthink about stuff. He just wanted to be with the assassin. For some unknown reason, Jisung made him happy.


"Do I need to add more water" Jisung asked the older who was currently boiling the eggs. Lee Know came over to his side of the kitchen where he was cooking the rice in a pan. Jisung could feel Lee Know's deep breath on the back of his head, and he immediately tensed up, hoping that he wouldn't notice his red blushing face.

"It looks good!" the older praised the younger, who couldn't help but blush further.

They were both cooking dinner, while Seungmin was busy doing who knows what on his computer. They had planned to surprise him with some risotto and eggs in tomato, but since Jisung rarely cooked, Lee Know was doing most of the work, which Jisung felt slightly bad about. All he could do was watch the rice, yet when the older complimented him, he actually felt a little proud. It was a rare feeling.

They had both grown really close in only a day for some reason. Jisung had stuck to him partially because he didn't have anything better to do, but also because he felt safe in the older's presence. Earlier that day, he had asked Lee Know what he was listening to, and he was listening to his song. Not only that, but he had also praised him and called him his favourite artist without even knowing he was hugging him all day long. The older made Jisung happy, and he knew that he had probably gotten a little crush on his kidnapper. 'What a wattpad scenario' he though to himself.

But he knew that his kidnapper didn't feel the same in the slightest. He was going to kill him after all.

"Ah, let me help you with that" Lee Know proposed as he saw Jisung struggling with taking the rice out of the pan. Jisung expected him to take the pan out of his hands and do it himself, but instead, the older grabbed his hands and helped him. Jisung was madly blushing again.

"Why are you being so nice?" Jisung asked, clearly catching Lee Know off guard. The older didn't look at him but didn't make any attempt at getting away either. "You're gonna kill me in the end anyway, so why?" Jisung continued. He needed to hear him say that he didn't care about him, that he was just playing with him. That way Jisung's feelings for the older would simply go away. But the tension built up as Lee Know wouldn't answer.

The silence was so painful for Jisung. Why couldn't he just say it? 'Say that you're just playing with me'. But deep inside, Jisung was hoping for another answer.

"Have you guys cooked dinner already?" Seungmin asked casually as he entered the kitchen, totally missing the heavy tension in the air. The other two quickly pulled away from each other and went on with a normal conversation that did not include kidnapping or killing.

After eating, they all went to their respective rooms and Jisung went to take a shower. When he got out of the bathroom, Lee Know wasn't waiting for him like he had yesterday, and the assassin felt slightly disappointed. He wasn't ready to sleep quite yet, so he started searching the room for things to do. His search stopped when he found an empty notebook along with a pen.

This whole kidnapping situation had shaken Jisung quite a bit, and he was really in need of letting his emotions out. The best way to do that, was writing them out as lyrics.

He sat alone on the bed for the next hour, writing almost four songs in the little notebook. One was about missing his teammates, the second was about being in an unknown place, the third was about not knowing when his life would end and finally, the last one, was about having an unrequited crush.

He had written love songs before, but this one felt different. This time he had really experienced the feelings of having a crush, instead of imagining them.

"What are you writing?" Jisung turned around to see Lee Know leaning onto the bed trying to see what was written in his notebook. He hadn't noticed the older entering the room, so he let out a little squeak in shock. The older just smiled.

"Ummm, j- just some lyrics and stuff" Jisung said. He turned his head away so the other wouldn't see his blush. "Really?! Let me see!" Lee Know said as he grabbed the notebook out of Jisung's hands and started reading the text out loud. The younger had been too weak to stop him.

"I crash-landed in a strange place, and at first I was full of expectations
My tears build up when the night turns black, yeah
Because my confidence can also be hated
I've lived like I was dead, and suddenly, I'm all alone and far away
Even though we were in the same position, I was an alien, yeah
I flew and crash-landed from space, a loner full of scars

"Woah! Jisung this is amazing!" he said when he was done reading the verse of the third text. The younger couldn't help but feel happy. His whole body felt warm and fuzzy, and his heart started making flips in his chest. He had received thousands of compliments about his music before, but to him, this one was the only that mattered.

They spent the rest of the evening reading and writing lyrics on the bed. Lee Know wouldn't stop complimenting him, and Jisung had never felt happier. If he could spend his last days like this, he wouldn't mind getting killed.


(a/n) That was a long ass chapter. I hope I gave you enough minsng. And I'm not done ofc 😉

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