Felix the advisor

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2 weeks later

Time had passed very fast ever since the eight boys started living together. Most of them were now accustomed to their new life and their new routines, both with their 'real' lives and their assassin lives.

Killing their former teachers had been easier than they initially thought. Seungmin's hacking skills were a huge help, and so were Felix's spying skills. Having so many people with different abilities on one team made them close to unstoppable. Still, one teacher remained alive: Sungjin.

There were two reasons why they hadn't killed him yet, the first being that they simply hadn't gotten the chance to. Sungjin was very intelligent, and once he saw that his friends were getting assassinated, he started hiding himself, thus making it hard for the team to locate him.

The second reason was Jisung's wish. He had stated that he wanted to kill him last, and the others respected that.

Now, they could only wait for Seungmin to find his location with the help of Chan, since he still had access to all the TWICE documents. The two of them had been very busy, barely coming out of the hacking room at all and the others had to bring them every meal, or else they would forget to eat.


"Felix?" Minho called out to Felix who was busy playing fortnite on his computer. He hummed in response. "Can we please talk?" Minho asked.

It was late at night and most of the boys in the house were sleeping, with the exception of Chan, Seungmin and Felix of course.

Felix shut the computer off turned around to face a shy and red Minho. His face pulled up in a satisfied smirk.

"Of course you can. I've been waiting for you to come" Felix replied. He said the last sentence with what could almost be called 'evil intent'.

Minho hesitated before pulling another gaming chair to him and sitting down on it facing Felix.

"I- uhhhhhh....I don't really know where to start" he admitted while looking down on his hands that were placed on his knees.

"That's alright" Felix said. "I already know why you're here."

"Huh? What do you mean?" The older asked, a little shocked.

"You need help to figure out your feelings towards Jisung, isn't that right?" The freckled boy answered with the same satisfied smirk. Minho almost chocked on his spit.

"Ho- how did you know?" he asked with astonishment.

"It's obvious, duh. I bet everyone in this house knows about your crush except for Jisung himself because he's dense, and Jeongin because he's still innocent" Felix replied.

Minho wanted to say something against Jeongin being 'innocent', but let it go and stayed on the subject instead.

"I  don't have a crush on him! It's just...he's ....different?" Minho tried to defend. He wanted to sound sure, but failed miserably. "Okay then, you might be right. I could maybe have just a tiny little innocent small crush on Jisung...." he admitted very hesitantly.

"Yeah that's obvious. Then what do you need help with? Do you want me to help you confess?" Felix asked curiously, but Minho quickly shook his head in denial.

"I'll never confess. I don't want to ruin the friendship we have now. I actually came here to ask you how to get rid of my feelings" he explained, more determined this time. Felix couldn't help but slap his palm against his forehead.

"Minho, that's not how things work. Do you like him or do you not?" he asked, and Minho replied with a shy nod.

"I really like him"

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