Distancing part 5

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In this dark and empty room, was anyone ever going to find him? Was there even any point in trying to get out? He would probably never be able to fully recover anyway. The punches, the kicks, the torture; it was all too deeply engraved in his mind and memory.

Despite his numerous attempts to get out of this mindset, nothing worked. Seungmin felt like he was stuck somewhere between dream and reality- or rather nightmare and reality. He tried to remember who he was calling out to, who his friends are, but it showed impossible for him to even remember their names.

Sometimes however, he found himself calling out their names without even realising it.


(They will be using their agent names from here on. If y'all don't remember them, go check the intro chapter 😉)

"We should split up and to cover more ground. If anyone finds him, immediately call the others." CB97 ordered as the seven boys looked out towards the dark and empty parking lot.

That was what had faced them once entering the building that was still under construction; a huge parking lot that was so big it was impossible to see the end of it.

"I'M GOING WITH LEE KNOW!" J.One shouted loudly, his voice echoing through the entire parking lot.

"Hannie..." Minho said timidly as he blushed.

"Right. And I assume Sam will go with I.N?" CB97 asked.

"Yeah!" I.N excitedly replied, happy that he was finally gonna get to spend some time with his boyfriend.

"Okay, then, Spear.b and Felix, you two are coming with me" CB97 ordered, and not long after, they were all walking their separate ways.


Sam and I.N had decided to explore the lower floors. They were now walking around what seemed like a fancy corridor leading to multiple modern dance studios.

They had been walking into every single room they saw in search of some kind of clue as to where their missing friend was.

They hadn't talked a lot and the silence was starting to kill I.N. He needed to know what his boyfriend was truly feeling, if he was feeling the same way as him.

He internally smirked as he thought of the perfect plan to make his boyfriend admit his feelings.

"You really care about him, don't you?" he asked his boyfriend who had barely spoken at all.

Sam turned to him, and for a tiny moment, I.N could see his expression showing guilt and regret, but it quickly morphed back into his usual stern face.

"Of course I do. We all do" he answered cautiously. But that wasn't the answer I.N was wanting.

"But you're clearly more shaken up by his disappearance than the others" he said as he tried pushing Sam to admit his true feelings.

"Baby...are you sad I haven't paid enough attention to you?" he asked daringly.

I.N hesitated for a moment before answering honestly.

"Yes. I'm really worried about Puppy.M, but you're worrying me as well. You haven't eaten at all, and you don't seem to wanna talk about your feelings to anyone..."

"Sorry, I just...I can't. I don't want you getting hurt by my own feelings" Sam explained with a pained voice.

"You won't! There is no way I'm letting you keep your feelings in like this! Please tell me!" I.N pleaded. "I feel so useless" he added with a cute pout.

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