Silent crying

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"About time you two got together" Hyunjin said. "You've been annoying everyone with your sad attempts at flirting" he said with his sassy voice while rolling his eyes.

Minho just kept on smiling.

"About time you and Jeongin got together then, because your flirting is even more depressing" he replied with the same amount of sass, shocking everyone once again.

The room faced a loud silence.

Hyunjin was blushing so bad even his ears were covered in red. The same could be said for Jeongin. They didn't even dare look at each other.

"Uhhh, how about we go get ready to sleep?" Chan suggested, hinting everyone to exit the living room and leave the two blushing boys alone.


Seungmin hated this. He had been curled up in his bed for almost an hour now, ever since Chan told everyone to leave Hyunjin and Jeongin alone.

He knew how this was gonna end up. He wasn't stupid, he knew very well how Hyunjin felt about Jeongin and Jeongin felt about Hyunjin, but he had hoped they would continue pointlessly flirting without ever getting to this point. However, that was just a sad wish by a sad teenager.

Over the past weeks or so, Seungmin had grown very attached to Hyunjin, to the point where he had found himself wishing to sleep and cuddle with him. He couldn't stop staring at his stunning features when they were together, and whenever Seungmin had the chance to see him dance, he would find himself mesmerised by the dancers fluid and sexy movements.

And this wasn't just about his fat crush on Hyunjin.

At first, Jeongin had been his worst enemy. The young boy was the only one standing in between Seungmin and Hyunjin, and he hated Jeongin for that. Yet, after spending some time with the cute maknae, Seungmin couldn't help but smile when he'd smile, laugh when he'd laugh, and wish all happiness for him. At that point they had become close friends.

It all came down when Seungmin started helping Jeongin improve his singing. Being with him alone in a small closed room made Seungmin feel a way he had only experienced with Hyunjin.


Without even realising it, Seungmin had managed to fall for two amazing guys, that loved each other instead of him. Losing your crush was one thing, but losing two was another!

Seungmin was the type of guy to respect other's privacy and secrets. But just this once, he couldn't help but want to go find Hyunjin and Jeongin. It was like wanting to see someone one last time.

He knew he wasn't going to like what he would see, but this was his only way of moving on and somehow letting go.


Seungmin quietly made his way back to the living room while making sure not to wake any of the sleeping boys up. He stopped right in front of the door that was left slightly open. The gap was just wide enough for Seungmin to hear and see what Hyunjin and Jeongin were doing and saying inside.

They had been in there for over an hour, and Seungmin noticed that Jeongins eyes were red of crying. He also noticed that Hyunjin was holding both of Jeongin's hands tightly as he spoke caringly to him.

"...then please give me a chance, Jeongin. I promise I'll treat you so good that you'll forget about everything else..."

Seungmin could hear the older speak, but without knowing the context of the conversation it was hard to determine what he meant by that. He tried to push the door open a tiny bit more, and luckily the two boys didn't noticed him.

Just in that moment, Seungmin saw something he knew would break him forever.

He quietly closed the door completely, and tried walking away and back to his bedroom. He didn't make it that far though as he broke down in the middle of a small hallway. He recalled the scene in his head as the tears started streaming down his face.

Hyunjin looked down on Jeongin's soft lips, and started subconsciously leaning in while Jeongin was mirroring the same movements. Soon, their lips met each other and melted into a soft but passionate kiss. 

Seungmin cried even more as he felt his heart tear in a million pieces, and then trampled down to the ground. He had never felt this way before, and it was the worst feeling he had ever experienced.

But something about Seungmin's crying was different from the normal. It was completely silent in the hallway. Even with the constant sobbs, Seungmin didn't make a sound. He was crying silently to make sure no one would hear him and wake up. He didn't want anyone to worry about him, and he certainly didn't want Hyunjin and Jeongin to find him broken down in the hallway because of them.

At one point, he didn't know when or how, he accidentally fell asleep in the same hallway. When he woke up, he was back in his bedroom, tightly engulfed by his fluffy blanket. It was almost like this night had all been a dream, which sadly it hadn't.  


One week ago

Hyunjin had been walking around the school for almost three hours now in search for Jeongin. They were supposed to join the others and go home together like they did every day, but the younger hadn't showed up to their usual meeting spot. Hyunjin hadn't seen Jeongin since they arrived at school, and he was starting to get worried for the younger.

The dancer felt some kind of responsibility towards the younger, not because he had a crush on him, but because he felt that Jeongin was a precious child that needed to be protected no matter what. It was the same feeling as the one he had towards Felix.

He stopped in the middle of a hallway he had walked through at least five times, and took out his phone.

"Hyung, do you know where Jeongin is?" Hyunjin asked Chan trough the phone once he picked up. "I've searched the entire school, but I can't seem to find him!" he added in a panicked voice.

"Ahhh, sorry Hyunjin. I forgot to tell you guys, but Jeongin is busy today and he won't be home before later tonight. I forgot to tell you, sorry" Chan apologised.

"Oh, but where is he then?" Hyunjin asked curiously. It was unusual for Jeongin to do anything outside of school. He had a ton of friends, but he wasn't the type to hang out with them outside of school hours.

"Uh, he's just out doing some stuff. But he should be back soon, so please don't worry!" he said.

Hyunjin knew how bad Chan was at lying, and this time was no exception. It was obvious that the older was trying to keep something from him.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever" he said, pretending to let go of the subject. He could almost hear Chan sight of relief in the phone. "See y'a!" he said, before ending the conversation and putting his phone back into his pocket.

But was Hyunjin really going to let Chan and keep secrets about Jeongin from him? Haha. Of course not. Investigating was like second nature to Hyunjin, and he couldn't just get rid of his urge to do so because of his hyung.

Hyunjin excited the school grounds, but instead of taking the usual route towards Seungmin's house, he had other plans.

(a/n) Flashback time!! Sorry haha. Both for making a new flashback, but also for making Seungmin cry. I swear I'll make it up to him!

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