First move part 4

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"Let's quickly clean up and leave" Hyunjin said. Felix nodded and they started putting things back in place, aborting the mission of course. Felix took the gun out of the case and closed it, then put it back under the bed where he had found it.

"Don't tell me you're taking that!" Hyunjin asked when he saw Felix holding on to the handgun. He just shrugged and answered. "Might as well take it for our safety. Now that we know he's a killer or something he might try to attack us"

Hyunjin wanted to oppose, but before he could, they heard the door of the apartment open. They both got up and ran out of the room and up the stairs, as fast and quiet as they could. Once arrived safely in Felix's room, they locked the door and spent the next seconds catching their breaths and processing what had happened in Minho's room.

Hyunjin broke the silence. "So is he an assassin or what?" he nearly whispered, even though there was no way for Minho to hear them from the living room. "I think so. I mean, a serial killer would probably not be that well equipped, and all his stuff looked like it came from the same company. So maybe that's his job?". Felix tried to answer the question as well as he could, although he didn't know anything more than the other.

"He works as a killer?!" Hyunjin whisper screamed. "That's insane. I would have never guessed! Or...maybe? Actually, it kinda makes sense? With his personality and everything"

"Felix? Hyunjin?"

They both froze up as they heard their hyung calling them from downstairs. It took them a few seconds before Hyunjin manned up and answered with a weak yes.

"Are you upstairs? Wanna come down watch a movie?" The oldest asked from the living room.

Neither of the two younger boys wanted to go watch a movie with an assassin like nothing had happened, but if they didn't, would Minho suspect something?

"Uh, sure! We'll be down in five!" Felix said before the assassin could hear the panic in his voice.

"Are you serious?!" Hyunjin stared at him with a shocked expression. "Are you seriously implying we go down there and cuddle with him like we didn't just find guns, fucking guns! In his room?!" Felix could see his friend was panicking more than him. "Look, he's not gonna do anything to us, you know that right? He loves us and we should love him regardless. We were the ones who entered his room without permission, so it's our responsibility to act like nothing. We were the ones who broke the rules and saw a side of him that he clearly doesn't want us to know about, and for a good reason" Felix said, making the other sit down on the bed.

Hyunjin knew he was right. They had broken into Minho's other life and it was in no way Minho's fault, so he shouldn't have to pay the price for their own irresponsibility.

After a short moment, he got up. "Okay." he said. "Let's do this"

An hour later all three friends were cuddled up together like nothing had happened, and to Felix and Hyunjin, it kind of did feel like nothing had happened. Not long after, the three fell asleep in each other's arms and stayed that way until the next morning.


3racha's apartment

The days had passed quickly since Chan had announced the mission, and the day of the assassination of Hae Seungmin was finally here.

Jisung had done this hundreds of times already but for some reason, this time felt different. He was nervous and felt like everything would go wrong.

"How many times are you gonna wash those?" Chan was standing at the door to his room and pointing at the guns that Jisung held in his hands. "What do you mean?" he asked the older. "I'm just washing them to make sure no accident happens. Like always". Chan looked at him with a sceptical look, not totally convinced by the younger's words. "Jisung, It's the fifth time today that you're washing your entire collection of weapons. It's obvious that you're nervous, no need to hide it. I just want to know why".

Jisung knew he couldn't fool Chan, so he just sighted as a way to approve his suspicions. "I don't know either, I've never been this anxious before. I just...have a rally bad feeling about this" he responded, honestly this time.

Chan came to him and sat down on his bed. He took the youngers hands in his own. "Jisung, look at me" he said, and Jisung did. "It's ging to be fine" he reassured. "We've been through the plan a thousand times at least. There is no way it's going to fail, and if something does go wrong, you know Changbin and I will be there for you".

He gave Jisung a beautiful smile with dimples. Jisung felt his heart rate slow down thanks to Chan's words. He embraced him, and Chan did too while stroking his hair in circular motions. Jisung felt so safe in his arms. He wanted to stay this way forever, embraced by the ones he loved. Chan had been like a big brother for him ever since he entered the assassination business, which meant basically his whole life. He had always been there for him, no matter what, and Jisung was extremely grateful for him and Changbin.

"Come on" Chan said as he got up from the bed and helped Jisung up as well. "I'm sure Changbin is waiting for us" he said and gave him one last beautiful smile. The younger nodded and walked out of the room with him, grabbing his weapons and tools on the way out. They were already in their uniform, so they both went straight to the big black van that was waiting for them outside the apartment.

They entered it and fasten their seatbelts. Changbin gave them an awkward smile from the driver's seat. "Ready?" he asked. "Ready!" Chan and Jisung both replied with confidence.

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