J.One part 3

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"You like me, don't you?" Minho asked, even though it sounded more like a statement.

It took Jisung a couple of seconds to fully register what Minho had said, and then a couple more just to make sure he hadn't misheard anything.

"Wh-what?" Jisung asked with a very trembling voice.

"You look at me differently from the others. Is it because you like me in a different way?" Minho asked.

Jisung didn't know what to do or say. Minho had seen right through him, and he didn't sound happy. Was he mad? Could this be the end of their friendship? A million anxiety filled thoughts started roaming free around his head, and he completely lost control over everything.

Jisung could feel his heart rate increasing dangerously fast and his body heating up like crazy. Soon enough, he was struggling to get the oxygen to his lungs. It was like someone was constantly pressing them down, and he couldn't do anything about it.

"...ung! Jisung!"

Jisung could hear his hyung's voice calling out to him, but was unable to reply. Leaning on to the bed, the trembling boy fell down on his knees.

"Hyung-" Jisung tried to call out, but he was certain that it had sounded more like a choking sound than anything else.

Suddenly, Jisung felt a warmth wrap around his body from behind. It wasn't the same burning sensation of his panic, this one was gentle and caring. Almost like a soft blanket.

"Jisung. Please calm down. Everything is alright."

Jisung could hear Minho whispering sweet words in his ear, and soon, his breathing had returned to a normal pace. He could feel the air filling his lungs once again, and he was slowly regaining control of his small body. Instead, big tears started streaming down his red face.

"H-hyung, I'm s-so sorry" Jisung said, crying.

Saying those words was like admitting to being in love with him, but Jisung had nothing else to say. All he could do was apologise.

He had expected Minho to let him go, yet he was still hugging him from behind and hadn't loosened his grip one bit. It actually felt like he was hugging him even tighter.

"Shhhhh. It's alright Jisung. You have nothing to apologise for" Minho whispered in his ear.

"Bu-but, it's so wrong! Why do I have these stupid feelings!? I hate them!" Jisung screamed through his sobs and thick tears.

He felt a gentle hand brushing a tear off his face. With slow movements, Minho turned him around so that they were now facing each other.

"Why would you hate them?" Minho asked softly.

There was a long pause as Jisung thought about his answer.

Obviously he hated them because it hurt loving someone who doesn't know that fact, but there was another reason too. Jisung was scared of Minho. He was scared that Minho would hate Jisung's love even deeper than he did himself.

"Because you would hate them?" Jisung answered, still unsure.

"Jisung. I don't hate the fact that you love me, because I love you too" Minho confessed to a confused and crying Jisung. "You having the same feelings as me is a blessing" he continued.

All Jisung could do was stare at his hyung with teary, round eyes.

"Wa-wait....w-what? You-you like m-me too?" Jisung asked with his voice still trembling. This situation seemed too unreal.

"Yes Jiusng. I really do. I want to be with you forever, so please let me be your boyfriend, won't you?" Minho asked while stroking Jisung's fluffy hair.

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