Kidnapped part 1

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Seungmin was waiting nervously in the car. It had already been a few minutes since he left the scene and Lee Know's absence was starting to worry him a lot. He knew something must've happened since his partner never spent that much time killing his victim.

This was not the first time Seungmin and Lee Know were on a mission together as they were a very common duo that the agency liked a lot. They were a risky duo because Lee Know was the only one with fighting experience, Seungmin had only ever been trained in hacking and assisting. That meant, if his partner was truly in trouble, he had no way of helping or saving him. He was on his own.

Just as Seungmin was about to storm out of the car and go find his friend, he saw Lee Know running out of the exit with a body in his hands. Seungmin let out a breath out of relief, and opened the car door to let his partner in.

Lee Know looked nervous, so once he had put on his seatbelt and the corpse was secured, he drove away as fast as he possibly could.

Ten minutes later, they were far enough from the concert hall and they started relaxing and breathing normally again. Seungmin turned around to speak with Minho for the first time since the event. "What took you so long? I was so worried" he asked. He wasn't angry, but rather shaken up. He looked at Minho through the front mirror. "I-I...I just ummm..." Minho couldn't get the words out of his mouth. "I...I hesitated" he finally confessed, nearly whispering. He looked up only to see Seungmin's shocked expression through the mirror.

"The Lee Know hesitated? The merciless assassin actually hesitated?!" Seungmin wasn't mad at all, he actually thought the situation was quite funny and Minho looked down in embarrassment. Seungmin was laughing hysterically but after nearly crashing into a van coming from thee opposite side of the road, he quickly calmed down and started concentrating on the road again.

"Don't worry" he said. "I won't tell the agency, and the cameras were off so there's no proof". He tried to reassure his partner. "And no one knew about this mission except for us two. I didn't even tell the agency, so you can be sure that no one will hear that you hesitated". Seungmin knew how important Minho's reputation of being a merciless assassin was for him, and he didn't want to ruin it for him. "Han Jisung was the only witness, and he's dead anyways. It's all good" he said, this time forcing a smile to show Minho it was okay.

"Umm about that..." Minho started, but he was cut off by the sound of Jisung turning around in his sleep beside him, proving that he was still alive and well. He moved his head and it landed on Minho's shoulder for support.

Seungmin didn't know what to say. He was just staring through the mirror with his mouth open. "You didn't kill him?" he asked whispering. He didn't want to risk Jisung hearing them and waking up. "I panicked okay! I just- he was staring at me with those eyes and those adorable puffy cheeks,  and he was so cute and I didn't know what to do! So I just used my tazer instead..." Minho was panicking and Seungmin could hear that. "This was your lifelong goal, and you didn't kill him cuz he's cute?! What happened to the Minho I know?" Seungmin couldn't believe what he had just witnessed. This was the first time Minho had ever  failed to kill anyone.

"Hey! Don't use my real name! He might hear you." Minho said. He couldn't risk the young boy knowing his true identity. "Oh yeah sorry. I'll use Lee Know instead. You can use Hae Seungmin for me, since that's who he thinks I am" Seungmin said, apologizing for not thinking before he spoke.

"So?" he asked. "What are we gonna do with him?" he nodded at the boy sleeping on Minho's shoulder like he didn't have a worry in the world. "We can't just let him go" he added. Minho thought about it for a moment. "Let's take him to your house. We'll lock him up there until we figure out what to do with him" he proposed, and Seungmin nodded in agreement.

3racha's apartment

Chan was pacing back and forth in the apartment while trying not to destroy anything. "Chan, you need to calm down. This is not helping anyone" Changbin finally said after letting the other bite his nails for almost an hour. "What do you mean calm down!?" Chan snapped at him. "Jisung is fucking missing! And you want me to calm down!?" Changbin was speechless. He had never seen his leader be mad or stressed like that.

Chan stopped walking and put his face in his hands. "Changbin, I'm so sorry for that. I'm just so scared" he said. His voice was shaking and he was close to crying. Changbin got up, walked to Chan and embraced him. "It's gonna be okay" he said in a reassuring tone. He started stroking the leaders back in circular motions. "We're gonna find him. He'll be fine". After a while he felt tears wetting his shirt. Chan was helplessly crying on his shoulder.

The mission had happened about two hours ago. After Jisung had gone backstage, they hadn't heard anything from him except when he confirmed his position. After that, nothing. Chan had been waiting for a few minutes before he figured something was wrong, but when he went to the scene to check on Jisung, no one was there. Only his gun that was lying on the ground.

They had immediately tried getting the camera footage, but they found out the cameras had been deactivated he whole time, which meant Jisung had been set up. Hae Seungmin had also disappeared from the building at the same moment along with his dancer friend. Maybe that dancer had been his bodyguard? But why hadn't they gotten any information surrounding that? Were all three of them kidnapped by a third party? That would make the most sense. It would make sense to kidnap both Hae Seungmin, a rich heir, and Han Jisung, a feared assassin at the same time. Maybe the dancer had gone to meet his friend Seungmin and got caught up in the situation?

There were a thousand possibilities, but they had only one lead: Hae Seungmin and his dancer friend. If they could find them, they would find Jisung.

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