First move part 3

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Minho's eyes widened as he heard the name. "Is that his name?" he asked. "I think so yes." Seungmin pulled out a document with a photo attached. "Is this him?" he asked while showing the picture to Minho. "Yes, that's him" he answered with no hesitation. Those eyes, so pure and innocent looking, there was no way he could mistake them.

Minho took few seconds to look at the face on the picture. The little kid who had killed his mother 8 years ago was now a very good-looking young man. If Minho didn't know better, he would totally fall in love, but there was no way that could happen, knowing that that pretty face of his has been covered in his victims' blood countless times.

He looked at his eyes one last time before putting the picture back on the desk. "How do we catch him?" he asked, and a wide smile appeared on Seungmin's face, as if he had been waiting for him to ask that. "I've already made the arrangements." He said and pulled out two other documents and handed them to him. Minho looked at him with a 'are you serious' face, as he read through the document.

At first glance, it looked like a document about seungmin. His friend, Kim Seungmin. But once he took a closer look, it was a fake document about a certain Hae Seungmin. The child of a CEO and successor of a huge fortune.

The seungmin that he knew was far from being the rich son of a CEO. In fact, he didn't have parents at all and all the money and fortune he had, was acquired through hacking.

Most of the information on the paper was false, except for things like height, age and blood type. The second document was a type of request. An assassination request to be precise. There was written information about 'Seungmin's' daily activities and it even revealed some weaknesses, which were all false of course. It took Minho a few seconds before finally realising what Seungmin's plan was. He wanted Jisung to come to them. He was going to work as bait. He was going to send a request for his own assassination.

Minho aggressively put the papers down. "You're not doing it." he said with a firm voice. "It's way too dangerous and you know it. I'm not letting you risk your life for my own personal goal." he continued, this time with a shakier voice. He couldn't hide the shelving. "Calm down, it's gonna be okay. You'll be there right? So, if anything happens, you'll protect me. Besides, I'm not letting you get your sweet revenge without me. I've been helping you since the start, so I count on being there at the end." Seungmin said with a reassuring smile on his face. Minho immediately felt the nerves calm down and his body relax once again. He smiled at his friend. "What did I do to deserve you?" he said before hugging him tightly.


At Danceracha's apartment

After Minho had left, Felix and Hyunjin had been left eating all alone. They had watched him leave the table to answer a call, and then storm out of the apartment a few seconds later, not even telling them where he was going. That was quite rare for Minho to do. Usually, he would always tell them his plans at least a month before.

After finishing their meal in silence, they both decided it was time to do something more exciting.

"How about we prank him!" Hyunjin proposed as a fun thing they could do while waiting for the oldest to come back. "And how would we do that? Exchange his toothpaste with shaving cream maybe?" Felix proposed. They were both laying on the couch on top of each other, their feet and arms tangled together. "Nah, we've already tried that one. He found out instantly and put it in ours instead". They both burst out laughing at the memory. "Okay, so something we've not done before and that he'll never expect us to do?" Hyunjin made a humming sound to show he was thinking about possible ideas. "Oh! I know!" Hyunjin said after a few seconds of silence. "How about we place a recording underneath his bed! Like scary ghost noises, and we activate it while he sleeps!" Hyunjin smiled proudly at his idea. "I don't think that such a good idea Hyunjin. Minho hyung has made it very clear that he doesn't want us in his room" The younger said and Hyunjin protested. "That's why it's so good! He'll never expect us to do that! And besides, I'm sure that whatever he's hiding in his room can't be that bad." He replied and, after thinking for a bit, Felix agreed to it.

Little did they know...

After a while, they were done recording all the weird noises of Hyunjin basically moaning and Felix slamming doors and windows. They decided to sacrifice Hyunjin's phone for the plan, and they moved on to the final step. Placing the phone underneath the bed.

Minho's room was the one furthest to the right. It was the last room in that corridor. None of them had ever dared to even peak through the keyhole and when they needed Minho for something, they never approached his door. They just called him from the living room or sent him a text.

They had no idea why he kept his room so secret, but Felix and Hyunjin had their suspicions. After many talks and hours of investigating, they had concluded that Minho was in fact a huge hentai otaku, and that his room was filled with posters of naked anime girls and body pillows. So, when they finally opened the door to his room, they were very disappointed to find out that it just looked like a plain room. Nothing special. Just a bed, some random furniture and a desk. Not even a Naruto figure or a poster of any kind.

After spending a moment to admire this boring room, Felix went to Minho's bed to place the phone, since he was the smallest of the two. But just as he was about to place the phone, something weird caught his attention. There were a lot of black boxes types thingies placed against the wall. He grabbed one and tried to open it, but the small space didn't allow him to, so he retreated along with the mysterious box.

Once he was out, he placed the heavy item on the floor in the middle of the room. Now that he could see clearly, it hit him that the boxes weren't just black, heavy boxes, but more like big and weird suitcases, like the ones he saw in movies.

He was scared as he opened it up because he had a faint idea of what it might be. And when he finally saw the small handgun safely placed in the box along with different objects Felix didn't know about, his suspicions were confirmed.

"Hyunjin you might want to check this out." Felix said to catch the older's attention. Hyunjin was standing with his back to Felix and looking at some things he had found in one of Minho's drawers. When he turned around, Felix got even more scared. "I know" Hyunjin said as he held three items he had picked up from the drawer in his hand. Three knives.

In that instance, they both knew what was going on.

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