First move part 2

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3racha's apartment

Jisung was in his room writing lyrics like he usually did

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Jisung was in his room writing lyrics like he usually did. That was his way of coping with his emotions and feelings, he let them all out through his songs and raps. He loved it a lot. He could spend hours just writing out everything on paper without even realizing how much time had past by.

Jisung would have loved to have a psychiatrist or something like that, but for obvious reasons, he couldn't. He imagined himself speaking about his problems: 'Yeah so I've been feeling down these past days, you know, since I killed those three innocent children and everything'. No. That would be impossible. He smiled a little at the comic scenario.

He heard a knock on his door that made him snap out of his deep thoughts. "Jisung?" Chan said through the door. "Its time for a meeting, come down when you're ready" he said in a kind tone before going downstairs again into the living room.

Jisung sighted. 'Time for another job' he thought. He got up from his bed and put his book and pen down on the small table. He hated them, the meetings. He didn't want to hear about his next victim, or else he would feel sympathy for them before killing them with his own two hands, watching as the blood flowed out of their bodies. But it was his job. That's what he had been trained his whole life to do. Follow orders and kill. That's all he needed to do as an assassin.

His hyungs were waiting for him on their usual spot on the big sofa. He dropped down on his own place and waited while can was organising the papers and documents. He felt the glooming and serious atmosphere creeping onto him. He felt chills down his spine. They were sitting on the same spot as they did when they were having fun playing games, watching TV or sharing emotional moments with each other. But now the room felt dark and scary.

"Hae Seungmin" Chan said as he placed the first document on the table, along with the picture of a handsome boy. "Age: 18, gender: male, location: Seoul, nationality: Korean." He continued to read through the facts of the boy on the document. "His mother is the CEO of Hae corporations and also owns a lot of smaller companies. The request was anonymous, but I can assume it's someone who needs Seungmin gone for them to inherit the fortune." Chan said while handing another document to Jisung and Changbin.

"When is the assassination gonna take place?" Changbin asked. "We've gotten information about Seungmin going to a Danceracha concert to see a friend perform. It will happen in 10 days from now." Chan answered professionally. "We'll sneak into the concert as spectators and wait for him to go backstage to see his friend. There we'll trap him and kill him while the people are too focused on the performance and there is too much sound to hear him scream."

"Wait wait wait" Jisung cut him off. "You said the name of the performers were Danceracha? Isn't that way too close to our name?" Chan hesitated before giving an answer. "I think, based of the information I've been given, they do covers of our songs, which I'm sure is the reason behind their name." His answer left Jisung even more confused, and Chnagbin saw that. He laughed. "Jisung, I don't think you realise how famous we are. It's really not that rare to see a 3racha dance cover team." Changbin said while laughing. "You're so much in your room, you don't even know what's going in the outside world!" he continued mockingly.

Jisung didn't actually think he was funny, but it still made him smile. He was glad the tension was gone and felt a sense of relief.

They continued to discuss the details of the assassination, until they decided it was time to sleep.

What they didn't know, is that there in no one named Hae Seungmin, and the CEO has never had any sons. The person they were going to kill, didn't exist.


2 days earlier

Minho was driving as fast as he could. After he had received the call from Seungmin, he immediately ran out of the apartment, leaving no times for questions from his friends. He was now heading to Seungmin's house, which was only a few minutes away.

He was holding tightly onto the steering wheel and his palms were sweating a lot. A million thoughts were running through his mind during the short trip, and a million reasons to stop the car and drive back were trying to tempt him. But he didn't stop. It was finally starting. His revenge.

When he arrived, he just entered the house like it was his own

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When he arrived, he just entered the house like it was his own. He knew there was no need to knock and that it would only annoy his friend. He found Seungmin sitting beside his desk doing hacking stuff that minho didn't understand, on his computer.

"That was fast" Seungmin said as his friend came and sat down on the chair beside him. "You said you found him?" Minho asked nervously, still sweating a lot even though the temperature in the house was rather normal. "Yes, but before I get into the details, I need you to get a glass of water and calm down." he replied.

Minho did as he asked, knowing his friend knew exactly what he needed. After a few minutes, he was calm and ready to hear more.

"So, you know that I've been trying to get into some idol companies, right?" Seungmin started. Minho nodded and he continued. "Well, a few days ago, while I was doing my research on JYP entertainment, I came across something real interesting." He pushed a few buttons, and on his computer appeared a dark page with the words 'TWICE assassination agency' written in the middle in a disturbing white colour. "The leader of JYPE, Park Jin-Young is also the leader of this assassination company. Of course, this information would have been impossible to find if it wasn't for my connections in the assassination world, but I managed to get my hands on a document which reveals all the assassins working there. One name caught my attention." Seungmin took a deep breath before he finally said the name. "Han Jisung".

Thank you for reading!!!
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