First move part 6

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J.One saw Seungmin appear in front of him, just as expected. Seungmin pretended not to notice the gun pointed at him and that meant his life was in Lee Know's hands. Would he manage to kill J.One before he had the time to fire his gun at Seungmin?


The following scene happened in a second. Just as J.One was about to pull the trigger, he felt a hand aggressively grab his gun out of his hands and threw it away. He panicked and turned around just to be faced with the dancer he had admired just a few moments earlier. Before he even got the time to think, the dancer pushed him into the wall while putting a knife to his throat. How could he not have noticed there was a guy standing right behind him, how could he have been so stupid?

For the first time, he got to look into the dancer's eyes. They were stunning, just as he had imagined. J.One could clearly see the anger, the hate, in his killers eyes. Like sharp ice daggers piercing into his soul and for a moment, he forgot the sharp knife just waiting to end his life.

'This isn't so bad' he thought. 'I don't mind dying like this, staring into those eyes'. At any moment, he would die. He was just waiting, not even bothering to think of a way out of the situation. There was no point anyway, he was completely trapped by this beautiful person.

He didn't feel the sadness he had expected to feel in his final moments, which made him quite irritated. He had been trained to completely block his emotions while on a mission to avoid feeling the pain of ending an innocent person's life, but in this moment, all he wanted was to feel something. Anything. A sense of regret or a feeling of sadness. But nope. Nothing.

The only thing he could feel sad about, was the fact that he would never be able to stare into the dancer's eyes the way he was doing now, ever again. He decided to spend his last moments just like that. Staring into those endlessly beautiful eyes and try to take in as many details as he could.

But seconds passed, and he was still not dead, he was still staring in his eyes. Seconds quickly became minutes. The dancer hadn't moved one bit, the dagger was still at his throat. Seungmin had walked away long ago, so why was Chan still not here to help him? J.One thought of reasons why he was not dead yet. Was the dancer scared? Did he intend to torture him? Was he waiting for him to say something?

"Hey ummm...are you gonna kill me? Cuz if that's the case, can you please tell my teammates I love them?" J.One asked. He had no idea what else to say in his final moments, and he started regretting those words when he saw the dancer's expression become darker. He saw him reach for something hanging from his belt behind his back with the hand that was not holding the knife.

Just before J.One could see what he had grabbed, the dancer made a quick movement and J.One felt a strong pain in his stomach, before everything went black.


Lee Know had thrown Jisung's gun out of reached and pushed him into the wall with his dagger at his throat. At the corner of his eyes, he could see Seungmin quickly leaving the scene, heading for the car that was waiting for them outside. Once he was certain he was gone, he turned his attention to the assassin in front of him. He hadn't even realised he had been staring at his eyes, but now, all his focus was on them.

Seeing the young assassin in person felt entirely different from looking at the pictures, and it felt totally different from eight years ago. Now he had the power to end his life, he was now the one with the weapon. But for some reason, he just couldn't bring himself to do the final move, to kill him.

Lee Know looked Jisung deep in his eyes. So round and cute. They were an adorable light brown colour that mesmerized him completely. The young boy didn't look fazed at all, in fact, he looked very calm and controlled. Just like he wasn't even bothering to get out of his grip, like he was just waiting to die.

This ignited a feeling of sadness and compassion in Lee Know's heart, a feeling he had never felt for anyone else than his friends. It made him truly sad thinking that this young assassin had so little to live for, he didn't even care that he was dying. His eyes looked sad, but in a way that was saying goodbye. He looked like he was trying to see as much of the world as he could in his final moments.

'Should I just stop? Should I let him live?' Lee Know couldn't believe he was actually thinking that. All the years he had trained for this moment, all the lives he had taken to prepare for this moment. Why did they not matter? Why was he not feeling the same anger as eight years ago that he thought he would feel in this moment? Why was he not feeling good about this? He had this deep feeling that this was wrong, that he was going to strongly regret it.

"Hey ummm...are you gonna kill me? Cuz if that's the case, can you please tell my teammates I love them?" Jisung said. This threw Lee Know completely off. He couldn't hear any sign of fear or hate in his voice. It was so pure and adorable.

Was that going to be his last words? Asking his killer to tell his teammates he loved them? Such a sad request.

Minho made his decision in that moment. He used his free hand to grab his taser situated on his belt, and quickly pushed it against the youngers stomach. He grabbed him as he lost consciousness and fell down.

Jisung was sleeping soundlessly in his arms and Lee Know felt like he was holding a fragile doll. One wrong move, and it would shatter in thousand bits. He got up and held the younger bridal style, and then ran to where their car would be located. All according to plan, except he had skipped the most essential part of it, the killing itself. 'Oh well' he thought while running. 'I'll think of the consequences later'.

Thank you for reading!!!
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