New friend part 1

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At SOPA a few days after

After spending a long time in Seungmin's house, Jisung was finally back in school along with Felix, Hyunjin and even Seungmin. Seungmin had agreed to start at the same high school as them so they could be together more and so he could experience the high school life. He was going to start in Jisung's class, which was the music class. Felix and Hyunjin were in the dance class.

"Jisung! Seungmin!"

Jisung and Seungmin turned around to see Hyunjin and Felix coming to them in the hallway. Lunch period had just started, and they had all planned to eat together.

On the way to the cafeteria, Hyunjin put his arm around Seungmin. It was probably just a 'bro' thing, but Seungmin couldn't help but blush at the action. Once they entered the cafeteria, Seungmin started feeling a little uneasy.

"Hey, doesn't it seem like a lot of people are staring at us?" he asked the others.

"Yeah, of course they are!" Jisung replied without worry. "Felix and Hyunjin are very popular, so everyone knows that they've been gone from school. Also, I'm and unsocial and unpopular little nerd, so people think it's weird that I'm walking with them. And on top of that, we have a new student with us too. You. That's more than enough reasons for people to stare. Welcome to high school, Seungmin" Jisung said as he sent a wink at him.

Seungmin let out a sight. He was NOT used to having a lot of people around him, and especially not people staring at him like that.

They walked to the middle of cafeteria, before sitting down on a table with three other students already sitting there. They introduced themselves as Bomin, Sanha and Daehwi. Felix had already warned him that those three did not know about their assassin identity, and so they had to be careful what they discussed around the table.

Seungmin sat down right in front of Hyunjin in hope that he could have the chance to stare at him once again, but during the whole meal, Hyunjin never once looked at him. Instead, he was looking something else in the room. Seungmin tried to follow his gaze to see what in the world was making him stare so intensely, and when he saw it, his heart dropped.

On the other side of the cafeteria, there was a table with a lot of students surrounding it. Hyunjin was staring at the boy in the middle of it. The boy was extremely pretty, and it looked like he was very popular too. His eyes were long and shining like a fox, and his smile was the most angelic thing Seungmin had ever seen. He couldn't help but stare at the cute boy as well.

Seungmin didn't know why, but he felt jealous. Jealous that Hyunjin was staring at the smiling boy, and not at him even though he was right in front of him. He wished Hyunjin would look at him like that too.

Jisung had mostly been talking with Bomin, Sanha and Daehwi and getting to know them during the break, but while he was doing that, he was also texting with Minho who was just done with practice. Felix was sitting right beside him and noticed it. He leaned in against Jisung.

"So, you and Minho hyung huh?" he said, but Jisung didn't quite understand what he meant. He gave a questioning look to Felix, before his face turned bright red as he understood what Felix meant. He started helplessly waving his arms around.

"No no! It's nothing like that! We're really just friends, Felix" Jisung tried to convince him, but Felix didn't believe it.

"Oh yeah? But you like each other, don't you?" he asked while staring right into Jisung's eyes.

"Uhh, I don't think so. I mean, I guess I kinda like him, but I don't think he likes me, you know?" he admitted.

Felix had to hold in a laugh. How could both his friends be so dense? He had never seen Minho go soft for someone the way he was for Jisung, and Jisung had just admitted to having a big, fat crush on him too. Why didn't they get together already?

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