Intruder part 4

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"Uhhh, what's going on here?" Felix asked.

Everyone looked up to see him standing beside the giant hole in the wall that the explosion had caused earlier. Minho assumed he had been waiting for the other boys outside, but since they never came out, he had decided to check up on them.

"Why are you all just standing there? You look weird" he continued. The five boys in the house looked around and came to the same conclusion: they looked weird.

Hyunjin was still holding Seungmin down with his foot, but Seungmin had given up on escaping and instead had just been staring at him for the past minute. Minho had grabbed Jisung by the arm to pull him in closer as if he wanted to protect him, but in reality he just needed comfort so he wouldn't start crying in front of everyone. Chan was still holding the gun in his hand, but since he didn't know where to aim at, he had been aiming it randomly at the black sofa. And finally, Changbin didn't do anything else besides glaring so hard at Minho with his non-existent laser eyes, that giant tears were running down his face. He quickly wiped them off as he realised how stupid it must have looked.

"Ummmm, does anyone want cookies?" Felix asked when he saw he wasn't getting any response from the crowd. The five boys subtly looked at each other, before silently agreeing that they were all in need of cookies.

Five minutes later and everyone except Felix and Seungmin were sitting awkwardly around the big table, still not knowing what to do. The only sound that could be heard were the voices coming from the TV that was somehow still on. It was annoying all of them, but no one dared to go away from the table to go turn of the TV or even lower the sound. Felix had gone into the kitchen to bake some cookies, along with Seungmin so he could tell him where to find the ingredients in the huge kitchen.

Once the cookies were in the oven, they both came back to the table and sat down. Seungmin sat down beside Minho and facing Hyunjin, while Felix sat down beside Jisung on the other end, facing Changbin. Jisung had decided to stick with Minho to make sure his hyungs wouldn't think about shooting him or something of the likes.

Now that all seven were here, it was time to talk. The first one to speak up, was Minho.

"Felix, Hyunjin, I think you both owe me an explanation" he said while subconsciously reaching for Jisung's hand under the table. The two boys in question looked at each other as if they were deciding on who was going to explain, and in the end, Hyunjin gave in.

"Uh, I don't really know how to start or what to say, but let's just say me and Felix kinda entered your room and we might or might not have seen your guns and knives and discovered that you were planning on killing Jisung..." he explained while trying to look anywhere but into his hyung's eyes. He was ready for Minho to start yelling at them for having done something that he had strictly forbidden, but instead, against his expectations, he just received a heavy sigh from the older.

"Oh well, I knew it was coming. But I wish you could have picked a better timing to discover my secrets" Minho said. Only then, Felix and Hyunjin dared to look up.

"You're not mad?" Felix asked nervously, but Minho chuckled lightly. He gave them both a reassuring smile.

"Of course I'm not mad, Felix. I knew the risks of living with you two, and yet I still chose to do it. It doesn't bother me that much that you two know about my job as long as you're not uncomfortable with it, but now I'd like to know about your jobs too" he said, hinting that he knew more about them than they had originally thought. Hyunjin gulped.

"Well, me and Felix...we used to be under TWICE assassination, until a few years ago when we escaped. But we stopped doing any kind of assassination work and instead focused on having normal lives. But because you disappeared recently, we started using our skills again to find you" Hyunjin explained. These last days, he had become more comfortable talking about his past, which he had always hated to even think about before.

"I see. That must've been hard for you then" Minho said with sympathy. He understood the pain of the two boys very well since he had been through a lot of the same, except for the fact that he ran away from the normal life to become an assassin instead.

"And what about you, Lee Minho? Don't you think you owe us an explanation too?" Chan asked Minho with a stern face, changing the subject towards him.

"I do. Firstly, I'd like to sincerely apologize for kidnapping Jisung because of my own personal grudges. I quickly realised my mistakes, and I can promise you I regret my choices deeply. I was originally gonna kill Jisung the night at the concert, but I didn't manage to do it so I brought him here instead. Also, please don't bring Seungmin into this, since he was only being the good friend that he is. I was the one who planned everything" Minho said. He stood up and bowed ninety degrees to Chan and Changbin to show his words were sincere. "Secondly, I want to reassure you that I have not physically harmed Jisung in any way, and that he was allowed to leave this house. The bruises you see on him were made by us so he could make a convincing act to his company, they were made with a simple suction cup" he explained.

None of Minho's friends were surprised by his kind and composed behaviour. Although it was true that he was usually a little cold and mean, those who know him well knew that he actually cares about others a lot but doesn't show it as often.

"I believe you" Chan said with a slight smile and a more relaxed face. "I can see that Jisung considers both you and Seungmin as friends, which I am very grateful for. I hope that we can get along from now on. As long as you don't kidnap Jisung again of course" Chan said, which brought a smile to Minho's face.

"Of course!" he replied happily.

"But tell me, what in the world did Jisung do to you for you to want to kill him?" Changbin asked.

Minho looked at Jisung to see if he was alright with disclosing the information, but it looked like Jisung wanted to tell them himself.

"About eight years ago, I killed Minho's mother on a mission, which kinda messed up his life" Jisung explained, and the others understood the situation better.

"I see. I guess both of you are responsible in a way then" Changbin said, and Jisung nodded.

"Yeah, I kinda deserved being kidnapped if that makes sense" he said.

The seven boys continued talking and getting to know each other better. They talked about both their assassin lives as well as their normal ones. It was a relief for all of them to be able to speak so openly about their secrets without worries, and so all of them bonded very quickly while eating Felix's freshly baked cookies.

Chan had been closely observing Minho and Jisung, and he was staring to think that the two of them were more than just friends. He could clearly see the way that both of them subconsciously leaned into each other even more for every minute that passed, and the way they stole glances at each other even if none of them were talking. A faint smirk appeared on his face.

He was just about to ask them about their relationship, when something on the news caught his attention.


(A/N) OMG THANK YOU FOR 1K READS!!!!! It really means a lot! I never thought this story would come this far, but I'm really happy it did. I'll continue doing my best! ^^

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