Spy part 1

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The next morning was the same as the day before. Minho woke up with Jisung clinging onto him, and when they went to the kitchen, Seungmin was already making pancakes. This time the conversations came naturally, and everyone was having a good time. After they were done eating, Jisung went off to the bedroom, and Seungmin and Minho stayed to wash the dishes.

"So what's up with you and Jisung?" Seungmin suddenly asked. Minho knew he would ask him that, but he wasn't expecting it to come so fast. He shrugged. "I don't know honestly. He just likes clinging to me or something" he answered. Seungmin wasn't entirely happy with that answer.

"And you? It's true that he likes being with you, but you clearly like being with him too. If you didn't, you wouldn't have let him get this close to you. You're normally so cold to people, but with him, you become a big softie" Seungmin said. They had both stopped scrubbing the dishes, and a silence filled the room for a few seconds. Minho had not expected Seungmin to notice that much, since he was in his room all day.

Seungmin noticed Minho's confused look. "I have cameras in this house you know" he said, and Minho finally understood how Seungmin knew about their cuddling.

Deep inside, he knew it was true. He had some kind of soft spot for the younger, but his assassin ego wouldn't let himself admit it. Especially not for Seungmin.

"It's nothing really. I'm just bored. As long as he doesn't bother me, I can use him as I want" he answered sternly. Minho hated the words that came out of his mouth, and he didn't actually mean any of them. Seungmin knew that very well.

"Whatever" Seungmin said, and they went back to washing again, thinking that no one would hear this conversation.

But Jisung had heard them. Loud and clear.


Jisung just plopped down on his bed. He already knew that the older was playing with him, but now that he heard him actually say it, his heart felt shattered and broken. He went back to writing lyrics. This time, he wrote a song about a shattered heart as tears slowly rolled down his chin.

The hours passed quickly, and soon it was time for lunch. Although Jisung really liked being close to Lee Know, he didn't feel like he was capable of doing so without breaking down and crying again. That's why, he sat down on the opposite side of him.

He could see that Lee Know was confused by this action, but once they started eating, he forgot about it.

During the rest of the day, Lee Know would try to get close to the younger. Either by sitting down beside him or trying to talk to him. But no matter what he tried, Jisung always avoided him in fear of growing close to him again. It would be too painful.

"You've been avoiding me all day long. Did I do something wrong?" Lee Know asked Jisung as he sat down on the couch with him. The younger just shrugged and continued writing in his notebook, completely ignoring the older. 'He's just playing with me anyway. He doesn't actually care' he thought to himself.

"Jisung please answer" the older continued nagging. Jisung was mad. Mad at himself and Lee Know. He knew he would snap at any moment, and when he did, bad things would happen.

He tried to breathe slowly and started shoving his emotions away like he did before missions. It would hurt less this way. He knew that the emotions would come back later ten times worse, but right now he didn't care.

Lee know was quick to see what he was trying to do. He grabbed his hand and turned him around, forcing him to look at him. Jisung was shocked by his actions, and he lost his concentration.

"Don't shove your feelings away, Jisung. It won't do you any good. Talk to me instead. Or if you don't want to, I'm sure Seungmin would be happy to listen. Just please, don't ignore your feelings" Lee Know almost begged him.

Jisung was almost crying at this point. He couldn't believe what the older was saying. Just a few hours ago, he was talking about how he was just playing with him and didn't care about him, but now, he was comforting him and telling him things no one but Chan and Changbin had told him before. Jisung was so confused and didn't know what to do. He was falling deeper in love with his kidnapper.

In the end, he broke down crying in Lee Know's arms without answering. Not long after, Seungmin came into the living room and joined the hug.


In town

Changbin and Felix had spent their day together. Although Changbin desperately wanted to search for his friend, Chan had told him to take a day off and relax by spending time with his boyfriend. Felix had also suggested that they spent their day together to get their minds off their missing friends. He had been right, and Changbin had spent a wonderful and relaxing day with his beautiful boyfriend.

Felix on the other hand, had an ulterior motive for being here.

"I guess this is where we part ways" Changbin said as they reached the bus stop. Felix nodded. "Are you sure you don't want me to wait for the bus with you?" he asked his boyfriend for the fourth time today. Changbin smiled.

"It's okay Lixie. I'll be fine" he said. Felix leaned in and gave his boyfriend one last kiss before leaving him alone. "Bye then!" he said as he walked away with a huge smile on his face. Changbin couldn't help but smile and wave back. Once he was gone, Changbin turned around and walked away from the bus stop. But Felix was still there, watching him closely.

After Felix had walked away, he went to hide behind a building, where he could observe his boyfriend's every move without risking being seen. He wasn't that surprised when he saw Changbin walking away from the bus station, but it hurt knowing that his boyfriend had somehow lied to him. But this just further proved that he was indeed hiding something.

He followed Changbin as he walked through the streets of Seoul. It had been a long time since Felix had tagged someone this way, but his skills were still as perfected. Not only did Changbin not notice him, but none of the hundreds of people walking the streets noticed Felix's presence.

After about thirty minutes of walking, Changbin stopped in front of a very luxurious apartment building. The building itself wasn't locked, so Felix would have no problem following him inside. The only problem were the cameras. There were almost certainly cameras at the entrance of this luxurious building, but luckily Felix had come prepared for that. He quickly put on a plain black hoodie along with a dark cap in which he hid his red hair, a mask, and some sunglasses. That way no one would recognize him, even on camera.

Felix waited until Changbin was inside the building and out of sight before following him. He saw Changbin enter an elevator alone. The number on the screen stopped at 7, which meant his boyfriend had gone off at the seventh floor. Felix ran up the stairs while avoiding the cameras as much as he could and when he reached the seventh floor, he was faced with a single door.  

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