Toasted baby bread

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(a/n) Remember!!! JYPE is the company, and JYP is the producer/owner. Don't confuse the two, or else this chapter will be very confusing. Also, in this story, TWICE is not and idol group, but an assassination company.

"So, after a few days and night of struggles, me and Seungmin stumbled upon some very interesting information" Chan spoke as the other boys in the room were attentively listening. "As you all know, TWICE assassination and JYP entertainment are connected together as they both share the same CEO. Now, me, Changbin and Han are affiliated with both of these companies, but we always thought that their purposes were entirely different and that they had no connection with each other except for their shared CEO. But recently, a JYPE and TWICE employee contacted me and told me they had some information to share about the company. They revealed to me that JYPE is just another form of TWICE, and that JYP is planning to do something terrible with the help of those two companies" he explained.

There was a long silence hanging in the room. The boys were shocked by this new information and were waiting for Chan to continue explaining.

"And how does this connect to Sungjin, you may ask? Well, apparently, Sungjin is the other one responsible for the plan alongside JYP. Which led Seungmin and I to believe that he is currently secretly residing somewhere in the JYPE building for various purposes" Chan continued explaining. "Any questions so far?" he asked as he saw the confused and worried looks on the boys faces. Hyunjin was the first one to raise his hand.

"Uhh, that JYPE and TWICE employee you were talking about...was it by any sister?" he asked cautiously as chan allowed him to speak. He didn't know what to feel no matter what the answer was.

"Yes, Hyunjin. It was indeed your sister Yeri who brought me this information. She has also agreed on working with us for this mission, so we should all be thankful towards her" the leader replied.

He was just about to start speaking again, when a someone beat him to it.

"Hyunjin you have a SISTER?!" Minho asked with great shock. "Aish, now I feel like I know nothing about you two" he said and then started pouting cutely.

Hyunjin and Felix didn't know whether to laugh or feel guilty. Luckily, Chan saved them from the potentially awkward situation.

"Any more questions?"

As Chan was met with silence, he continued speaking.

"So, if this was just about Sungjin, I would have handled the mission along with Changbin and Jisung since the three of usually train in the JYPE building and it would be easy for us to handle it, but since we don't know how many people are involved in this case, we'd like some additional help on the inside" he explained.

The other boys were slowly starting to understand where his point was getting at.

"Therefore, I'd like for one of you to audition for JYPE as a trainee and help me, Changbin and Jisung to work on the case from the inside, while the rest help from the outside. Seungmin had already aplied for an audition a few weeks ago before this whole situation even started, so i guess he'll also be helping us from the inside. The question is, who else is willing to do that?"

Once he finished his words, Felix, Hyunjin and Minho started to look around at each other, trying to settle on who it was gonna be.

"I honestly think it should be me, I'm the oldest after all" Minho said. He didn't really like the idea of joining JYPE, but since Jisung was there, it meant he got to spend more time with him.

"Nah, I think it should be either me or Felix. Entertainment companies aren't interested in old people these days" Hyunjin replied with sass, earning a deadly glare from Minho.

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