Distancing part 4

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Hyunjin felt the humid wind blow against his face as he ran through the packed streets of Seoul, his entire body freezing because of the lack of jacket or beanie. Sadly, he hadn't thought about that when he ran out of the house.

"YAH! HYUNJIN! WAIT!" he heard Changbin screaming as the other six boy tried catching up to him.

He didn't stop.

"WHY THE HELL ARE WE RUNNING?" Jeongin questioned. He sounded exhausted from all the intense and sudden running.

But Hyunjin was too busy running to even pay attention to the ones running behind him. He only had one thing on his mind right now.


He was gripping tightly onto his phone as he ran, 'google maps' still visible on the screen.

After around 15 minutes of intense running, he finally slowed down in front of a tall and modern building. He started looking around everywhere with a desperate look on his face.

"Yah! Hyunjin what the hell was that for!" Chan complained as the other boys caught up to the boy. They were all panting and sweating from all of the running, and they were certain that at least half of them had caught a cold by running in the outside like that.

"Yeah, why'd you suddenly leave the house and start running? Who was it that called you?" Jisung asked. He was busy holding onto Felix, who was at the brink of losing consciousness because of the heavy running.

"We need to find Daehwi and the others" Hyunjin said for the first time since leaving the house. He was panting heavily, but it didn't look like he was ready to take a rest. "He said they know where Seungmin is"

The other gasped at the new information.

"And they're here right now??" Chan asked Hyunjin.

"That's what he said on the phone at least, but I don't see them" he explained with taking another look around.

In front of them was a huge building, and right beside was an even bigger site where they were seemingly building a new skyscraper or something.

There were many people coming in and out of the building in front, dressed in both formal and casual clothes. It looked like a completely normal company building, nothing seemed off. And it was definitely not a place to keep a boy captured.

"Where the hell are they?!" Hyunjin started getting agressive. "I swear if they were lying-"

He got interrupted by his phone ringing. He picked it up after checking the name of the caller.

"Daehwi? Where the hell are you guys???" he asked through the phone.

"Inside the building.Take the third elevator and go off on the twenty second floor, we'll wait for you there" Daehwi explained through the phone before hanging up.

Hyunjin quickly explained the conversation to his friends, and not long after they were all on the elevator on their way to the designated destination.

They were all alone in the big elevator. It was really slow, and on every floor there was a female voice announcing the floor number.

"Well, this is awkward" Changbin commented out of nowhere while the elevator was slowly going up.

The boys all turned towards him with a questioning look on their faces.

"I mean, no one is talking" he added.

"Really Changbin? That's what you're thinking about right now?" Felix questioned. Changbin shrugged and looked away.

"He's not wrong. We haven't all talked properly together for a few days now, it feels weird" Chan said.

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