Real name part 3

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Danceracha's apartment

Felix was in the bathroom along with Hyunjin. He was treating his wounds and cuts from his fight with Changbin.

"You didn't go too hard on him, right?" Felix asked. He was worried that Hyunjin had beaten his boyfriend so hard that they wouldn't be able to kiss for many weeks. Hyunjin was very strong after all.

"Oh, trust me when I say I went all out on him" Hyunjin replied, which earned him a worried face from Felix. "Relax Felix. If I hadn't gone all out, I would be in the emergency room right now. Your man could have beaten me to death easily if he wanted to. He's so strong" he explained. Now Felix was kind of sad that he missed the chance to see Changbin fighting. That would have been a hot sight.

"That's good. I'm glad you're both okay" Felix said. "But did you really have to go and fight him for no reason?"

"I wasn't without reason, Felix! He hurt you! He deserved every punch, and he knows that!"

"What do you mean 'he knows that'? Did you tell him something?" Felix asked Hyunjin, who was now looking away trying to avoid his gaze.

"...I might have hinted him about our past..." he said, still looking away. 

"Hyunjin! Did you even-"

"Yes! Yes I did think it through!" Hyunjin cut Felix off. "We need him and his friend to help us find Minho hyung and Jisung. If we can team up, all four, I'm certain we can find them. Let's give them a chance, please?"

"It's not that I don't trust them. I trust that Changbin will love and support me no matter who I am or what my past is. But I just didn't want him to get involved with it. We're still on the run, and I don't want him to burden him with my own problems" Felix explained to Hyunjin.

"I see. I'm sorry I didn't ask you beforehand, Felix" Hyunjin apologized.

"Don't worry about it. I know you only want the best for me. What is done is done."

At that moment, Hyunjin received a notification from his phone. He picked up his phone from his pocket and read the message that Changbin had sent him.

"Who is it?" Felix asked.

"It's Changbin. He wants to meet up"


3racha's apartment

The silence was heavy. The four boys, Hyunjin, Felix Chan and Changbin, were sitting on the couch in the living room of 3racha's apartment. Felix had already been there before (uninvited), but for Hyunjin, it was his first time. Felix and Changbin had been holding hands the whole time, but none of them had said anything since they entered the apartment.

None of them knew what to say or where to start. They all felt very exposed now that almost all their secrets were uncovered.

"Umm, we haven't been introduced before, right?" Chan said, breaking the silence. He glanced at Changbin, signalling him to introduce the other boys to him.

"Uhh yeah. Right. So this is Felix, my boyfriend" he said as he pointed at the freckled boy. "And that playboy is Hyunjin" he said and pointed to the other.

"Playboy? Seriously? I've never even dated anyone!" Hyunjin said, pouting.

"Exactly. That's the point. You give the girls expectations, but never meet them. Poor things. They just can't help falling for you" Changbin mocked. Hyunjin was now red of embarrassment.

"It's cuz he already has his eyes on someone" Felix hinted, making Hyunjin blush even further. Hyunjin gave him a look of betrayal.

"Anyways" Changbin interrupted. "that sleep deprived kangaroo over there is Chan hyung" he said, now pointing at Chan. He was still holding hands with Felix. Felix and Hyunjin bowed slightly to Chan. 

"How come we've never met you before, Chan hyung? I know Changbin well since he dates Felix, but I've never seen you before" Hyunjin asked the older. Chan just shrugged.

"It's cuz he's always busy. He works really hard all the time, so he didn't have the time to ever meet you guys" Changbin explained in his place. "And especially these last few days. I don't think he has had a proper night of sleep since Jisung's disappearance."

After he said that, silence fell upon them once again as they got reminded of why they were all here.

"Right. Jisung is missing too" Hyunjin mumbled, mostly to himself. "You guys want help with finding him, right?" he asked the two hyungs, who both nodded.

"We also need you to explain how you know about Lee Know" Changbin said. Hyunjin nodded.

"You promise that you will work with us and not use the information we give you against us, right?" Hyunjin asked. "You know that Felix and I are in a difficult position right now and we can't allow ourselves to trust others" he explained.

"We promise, Hyunjin" Chan said.

"I will only do what's best for my boyfriend, you know that. Let's all work together without any secrets" Changbin added.

"All right then. Wanna explain, Felix?" Hyunjin asked.

"Uhhh...sure. So umm...I kinda followed Changbin home after our date, and I kinda searched your apartment and I kinda found out that you're searching for Lee Know" Felix explained in an apologetic tone. Changbin and Chan didn't look too surprised at the younger's explanation. They had both suspected he might have broken in to the apartment. "And I also found out that you're working for TWICE assassination" he added in a weaker voice. Changbin looked away.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you" he apologized.

"It's fine. I didn't tell you about myself either" Felix replied.

"And you guys know something about Lee Know, right? He's the one who kidnapped Jisung isn't he?" Chan asked. Felix nodded.

"We're almost a hundred percent sure he did" Felix explained. "Lee Know hyung is an assassin and we think his next victim was Jisung, but that he failed to kill him and kidnaped him instead-"

"Wait wait wait" Changbin interrupted. "Did you just call him hyung???"

"Uh about that. Lee Know is actually a really close friend of ours and we live together" Hyunjin explained to a confused Changbin. "Not only that, but we're also in the same dance team, Danceracha, who you might know about..." he added.

It took Changbin a few seconds before he realised what he meant.

"You're those dancers?!" he asked shocked. The two younger boys nodded.

"We were trying so hard to find the identities of that dance team, and it was you two all along?" Chan was quite shocked too. "How come you didn't even recognize your own boyfriend on the pictures, Changbin?" he asked. Changbin felt a little embarrassed. He simply shrugged.

"They were too blurred" he explained. The other three laughed lightly at his red face.

"So, anyways. Have you two seen Lee Know since the performance?" Chan asked, and the two dancers shook their head.

"We've also been trying to find him" Felix explained.

"He doesn't tell us a lot about his private life, so we have no clue where he could've taken Jisung" Hyunjin added.

"Does he have any other house or place where he can contain a trained assassin?" Chan asked, but both of the dancers shook their head, signalling they didn't know anything about that. "Maybe he has a friend that can help him?"

When Chan said that, both went silent. They sent each other a look. Chan saw their reaction.

"So he has a friend?" he asked. Felix sighed.

"We don't know any details, but there's someone he goes a lot to. We've never met them or know anything about them, but we've started to suspect that they have something to do with Lee Know's assassin job. When he goes to see them, he always says 'I'm going over to my friends house'" he explained. Chan nodded.

"Do you know their name?"

Felix was about to say they didn't, but Hyunjin spoke before he could. 

"Umm...actually, I think I've seen it before by accident" Hyunjin said.

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